When my LO was that age, his night wakings were due to being overtired. Yours takes a 45 min nap and then is up for 3 hours. Usually if they take a short nap, they are up for a shorter amount of time. Have you tried to extend that first nap? If you are unable to, his activity time would probably be much shorter than average. Here is some information that I found very helpful. I found it on this site:
Here is a general guideline of what you can expect regarding awake time for your lo: (remember some babies get a little more, some a little less. It's just a rough guideline)
Awake time for babies
Newborn 50-60 mins
1 month 60 mins-hour and 15
2 months 1 hour and 15 - 20 mins
3 months 1 hour and 20 - 30 mins
4 months 1 hour and 45 - 2 hours
5 months 2 hours - 2.25 hours
Late 5 months/early 6 months 2.25-2.5 hours
6.5 - 7 months 2.75-3 hours. Some are getting more.
***Remember these are guidelines, NOT rules, so if you feel that your baby is not yet ready for these A times, please do not force them, as this will cause further problems***
Also, would you like to wean him from the paci? It sounds like it might be a prop for him. You might check in the "Props" board on that one. I know there is good info on how to...
Dreamfeeds (your 10:30 feed) work for a lot of babies. It didn't work for mine, though. Mine would wake more with a DF. So we let him wake for his feeding, and one night - about 4 months of age, he slept through it. Before that, if we did a DF, he'd take the DF and then wake for another feeding, but if we just let him wake for a feeding, he only took one feeding between bedtime and morning.
Is he on a
Do you use a bigger size diaper at night? That helped me so that I didn't have to change the diaper which woke him up more.
I'm guessing yours wakes at 7am in the morning. ?
I hope something I've said helps.
Hang in there... it will get better.