Oh eczema must be sooo unfortable for him
. I honestly have no clue what to advise you there - you probably need to get medical advise on that. I think they have creams, etc... to help out with the itching
About sleeping in the same room - see from about 9 weeks, dd1 became really aware of her surroundings and between dh's snoring and us moving around at night, caughing, etc... she couldn't sleep well so I had to move her out. Jasmine slept with us for 6months but again she was having a terrible time sleeping cause every little noise used to disturb her (and we couldn't sleep either).
You know its totally up to you. If you want to leave the sleep training until he is in him room and in the meantime have him sleeping with you, you can.... but expect crying and some protest cause he is getting used to you guys and its a VERY hard habit to break. Believe me, my mother once took me in when I was sick and apparently I woulnd't leave her alone from that moment. She ended up sleeping with me until I was 13yo
. Every single night I would stand at her door, having tantrums, etc... until she'd let me in and she didn't have the heart to send me back to my bed. My poor dad was sent to the couch every night. I must say I was a little older (about 3 or so) than your lo but its something that has been engraved in my head by my mother, so I tried to make sure I didn't have my girls sleeping with me past 6 months.
It is possible for him to sleep in his own cot even if he is in your room but you do need to be consistent when he wakes at night.
Definitely see someone about eczema - he needs something to ease the itching. Also if he is not sleeping that well at night, I would suggest an earlier bedtime - no later than 7pm.
I'll have to ask Chris where he is from.... will let you know in the next post.
Good luck