hi there
I actually think looking at your routine he's having too much daytime sleep and needs more A time- he's not tired enough which is why he is crying when you put him down, and why he's taking ages to go to sleep at bedtime.
Although you say he is showing you tired cues, at this age many babies start to show what we think of as tired cues when they are bored. Rubbing eyes and turning head away are classic signs of boredom in older babies. This might be what's happening with your lo.
Many babies of this age are happy to stay awake 2.5 hrs between naps, and some even longer. Most have 2 x 90 min naps and 1 x 30-45 min catnap. I see your lo has a massive long morning nap- this could be the cause of your problems.
At 6 months our routine looked like this:
7am wake
9.15am nap
10.45am wake
1.15pm nap
2.45pm wake
5.15pm nap
5.45pm wake
7pm bed
You can see our longest A times were the 2 stretches in the middle of the day- this has always been the case for dd. Most babies have their shortest A time from first waking till first nap. You could try still putting him down at 9am as you do currently, but perhaps waking him after 90 mins. He might not be able to go from 2 to 2.5 hrs of A time in one go, you might need to stretch him say 5-10 mins per day. Some babies can handle the jump, you know your lo best and whether he will cope.
Also you don't say how long your catnap is at the end of the day- certainly I wouldn't let him sleep for longer then 45 mins as that will definitely impact on bedtime.
As for him wriggling in his sleep, dd used to wake when she first started moving around. I would let her whimper and get herself back off to sleep and only go in if she definitely cried. As a result she quickly learnt to reposition herself by wriggling around, and we had no more night disturbances. (I have a friend who always repositioned her son- and she was still having to do that when he was 3yo as he'd never learnt to do it himself- aargh). If he is playing with the bumper, you could just take it out for the time being. This was the age when I took all of dd's toys out of her cot as she would just play with them and not go to sleep. Perhaps you could just put one back in overnight so he can play in the morning?
hope this helps, & good luck!
kathryn x