Author Topic: 6 1/2 month old can't settle to sleep  (Read 956 times)

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6 1/2 month old can't settle to sleep
« on: March 17, 2007, 21:12:55 pm »
Tired and not sleepy is usually the main problem.  She has like 3-5 hour A times sometimes because we can't get her to sleep (no matter what we try except the car-not that we try that).  Eventually if she skips a nap she may fall asleep at the next feeding.  Most of the trouble is my spirited DD laying in the crib trying to play with us or turning over and just looking out the crib or playing with her swaddle blanket or looking at her fingers (and never sleeping!!).   Our routine is crap and I feel like I cannot get one because of inconsistent wake times, 45 minute naps, skipped naps, etc.  I'm guessing the key to getting her to sleep is the perfect A time, but I cannot find it due to her inconsistent (if present at all) sleep cues.  Her routine yesterday was like this:

0435-awoke the played for ~25 minutes in crib then cried-did PU/PD for 1 hour then took break and gave reflux medicine and
E-0620 BF (6 minutes)
E-0830 (3 minutes)-just trying to restart EASY then solids
S-1053-1211 (used W2S to ensure no 45 minute nap)
E-1216 BF (7 minutes) then solids
S-1421-1521 (no W2S)
E-1604 (had to wait for medicine) BF (5 minutes) then solids
A-walk outside, bath, book
E-1830 (10 minutes) and put to sleep at 1855
S-2016 (mostly played in crib when we responded to her cries-this can go on eternally-she was awake for 5 hours and didn't even fall asleep feeding after 3)
awoke at 0610 after DH stayed up most of night to ensure her continues sleep-she cried every 1-2 hours but didn't fully awake
E-0641 BF (6 minutes)
E-0936 BF (5 minutes) then solids, put in crib at 1100 and skipped nap-mostly played
E-1245 BF (8 minutes) and she fell asleep eating
E-1500 solids only
E-1545 BF (4 minutes) and DH has been trying to put to sleep for 1/2 hour now so far-using PU/PD

I cannot put her to bed anymore as I have put out my back in two places (second time since her birth) from all the SH/pat, PU/PD, hanging over crib, etc. so I really need her to sleep independently.  She has done it twice (for 2-3 weeks each time) in her short life-once by luck? and other time with PU/PD after a family visit.  We're back to less sleeping again and I am exhausted.  Dh will be soon as I usually do most of the putting to bed and night wakings.  And, my back is hurting a bunch and I feel helpless (and hopeless).  Why does she keep losing the ability to fall asleep independently?  I had been trying lately to increase her A time (both slowly and quickly) as she still keeps ending up on a 3 hour EASY and is too old for one.  But, when I keep her up for 2 hours or more, she sleeps 45 minute naps (I assume overtired) or sleeps only 1-1'15" if I do W2S usually).  I feel like I cannot do anything for her.  After trying to increase her A times (to 2 hours), she had gotten way overtired, so I think I have tried all I'm going to of that and maybe just try for up to 1 1/2 hours in early AM and a little more in the afternoons.  I just can't go by any sleep cues as she may be fussy all day or want to play all day.  She's been very clingy lately too-wondering if SA is starting early.  Doesn't seem to be teething or sick in any other way.

I don't know where to start but routine needs a full overhaul and I cannot do it with my back as it is.  I feel like DH may need to take off time from work so we can get it together, but I wouldn't know what to do anyway.  Besides, he just took off 4 days last week so he could go to his grandmother's funeral up north. 

Since, I am unable to figure her out, I'd love to hire someone like Tracy if they exist or go to a sleep specialty center that won't let her CIO.  But, I don't know of any.  Short of that, I am at a loss.  Any ideas?  Help!!

Grace's mom

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Re: 6 1/2 month old can't settle to sleep
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 17:35:20 pm »

Just to let you know, you are not alone. I too am having issues with lo not able to self-soothe to sleep, or take more than 30 minute naps. We too miss naps, queues, go to 3 hour EASY, night wakings, ect. I've resorted to ALOT of accidental parenting because my back too is killing me and I am running on no sleep as he wakes sometimes up to 3 times a night! I've done shh/pat so much in the past month, I caught myself shussh/patting the cat when she was needing affection!!!
My mom, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and aunts and co-workers are all telling me to let him CIO and that they all did it to their lo's (and my mom to me) and said it worked. They said they had no choice as they all had/have more than 1 lo and don't have the time to implement EASY and shussh/pat, ect. I feel bad even when lo is crying and I am right there with him so I doubt I will do CIO. I will resort to accidental parenting before I do that. But sometime I just want a life back too! I even think of just not even bothering putting him down for a nap, cause the trouble to do so(which takes about an hour) isn't worth the 30 minutes of nap. Anyways, sorry I don't have any advice, just wanted to know that you are not alone!  ;)

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Re: 6 1/2 month old can't settle to sleep
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2007, 14:04:15 pm »
Laura, I feel your pain. I have a 6 1/4 month old, and I have the same issues with naps (posted my schedule and issues on this board as well). It seems like no matter what I do, I can only get DS to nap 30-50 min, 2-3 times a day. It is really frustrating as I know that he is tired, but just won't nap for long periods. We just started EASY a few weeks ago, and have been interrupted this past week with a cold. I hope that our situation will improve once the cold goes away. Last night was the first night he only woke once for a feed. He woke earlier than usual though as he had pooped and needed to be cleaned up and changed. Good luck, I hope your LO is able to get some sleep soon!