I have a 14 month daughter that seems to be transitioning down to two naps. This causes many issues.
At day care they take the other children to school from 12:15-12:30 (more or less). Typically Lauryn can make it until about 11:30 and then she needs to crash!!...this is obviously not going to work for daycare. When she does this at home, she maybe sleeps for an hour and then needs a second nap around 3:30-4:00. She'll typically sleep an hour...this of course means we end up keeping her up slightly (20 min) later-because of course she's not tired.
At day care last Monday Lauryn stayed up until 12:45 (but was a bear apparently
) then slept two hours, however when she got home she NEEDED a nap so at 4:30 I gave her 45 minutes and we put her to be about 20 minutes later.
Some days she maintains her schedule-others, she's way off. We wake her up every day between 7:15-7:45....on weekends we've tried to let her "sleep in", but it has no impact on her naps (they're wonky...but she still needs two)
She's sleeping a consistant 12 hours at night and not waking-of course now that I've said that...) She is getting her top cainines in and is dealing with the effects of an earache that won't go away but...what do you think?
This is her schedule when she's "on"
Wake 7:15
Breakfast 8:15
Sleep 9:30-10:30
Lunch 11:30
Milk 1:30
Nap 1:45-3:30
Snack 3:45
Dinner 5:30
Sleep 7:30 (and she's usually out immediately!)
I am looking for any thoughts/suggestions
I should mention that we've tried taking her out etc...in the morning-but by 11:00-11:30 she just melts down. Lauryn has always been a sleeper (she kept a 3rd nap until she was 8 or 9 months!) Personally I don't think she's ready-but apparently she's telling me she is.
I'm lost!!!