You have likely hit the nail on the head...also have a post re.night wakings and they must be related. Thing is, my guy wakes early and is hard to settle so I'm doing something wrong with awake times.
If it helps any I'll outline a typical day/night and maybe you can see a fix ? Main unknown for me is the effect of his prematurity (10 weeks before his 3-month-age in 2 days' time):-
E - 7am
S - 8.30-10am
E - 11am
S - midday-2.25pm if I can extend nap
E - 3pm
S - 4-4.5/5pm - worst nap of the day
E - 5.15pm
A - low key only
Bath 6.15pm, then bed c.7pm
Awake bt.12-1.30am for a feed. Then unsettled c.4.30-5am. Usually offer a small feed (long time set at 3oz or less !) and sometimes he sleeps, usually not. That affects 1st awake time v.badly.........Been on 4-hour feeds for 2 months now per leaving hospital. He's a spirited handful of a guy !!
What do you think ?