Just wanted to comment on the erratic night feedings. DD has been erratic in her sleeping since she was 4 or 5 weeks old. She has just recently started sleeping through the night about 50 % of the time. We never knew/know how long she will go. From about 5 weeks to 3.5 months, she would sometimes wake every 3 hrs, sometimes not at all, sometimes once. It was ALWAYS different with no patterns. I kept a log and charted nights & came up with graphs & everything, and could find no consistancy! Just wanted to let you know that I think its entirely normal for some babies to behave like this!! And the short nap thing is normal too. One of the mods can better explain, but around 45 min. is when they hit the end of a cycle & they often wake at this point, rather than transition to the next sleep cycle. We have had lots of experience with these naps. Check the nap board in sleep for more help!