Thanks for responding!
First I must note that I do not rock my daughter, but only hold her while watching TV on the cauch or sitting at to the computer desk. She falls asleep almost immidiately and I transfer her to her crib while in the state of active sleep, so she must be partially aware that I'm putting her down. Sometimes she naps entirely in my arms while I watch a movie (rarely).
However, since yesterday I became more aware of the problem and started to make her fall asleep on her own, with a soother - quite succesfuly (took about 45 minutes yesterday and only 10 minutes today). At night she falls asleep on the bottle and I can't do much about it. I usually take the soother away when she's asleep.
I do agree with both of you that a structured routine is beneficial. But what can I do if she wakes up 30 minutes into her nap, refreshed and happy, and there is no way I can make her sleep even another ten minutes?
I was wondering if you can take a look at our most ideal routine and tell me what I do wrong, so she doesn't nap very well.
9:00-9:30 wake
9:30-10:00 feed
11:00-11:30/12:00 sleep
13:30/14:00 feed
14:30-16:00 sleep (outside in a stroller)
18:00 feed
19:00-19:45/20:00 sleep
21:30 - bath
22:00 - feed and sleep for the night
What do you think?
Thanks again!