Author Topic: HELP!!!! Separation Anxiety(?) causing bedtime/nap battles and wakings  (Read 2245 times)

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Offline scotpiper

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My DD turned 14 months old today. She has been an erratic sleeper since birth...even after 8+ months of BW sleep training. She had finally been tolerating us putting her in her crib awake and just walking out for the past 2 weeks. She even allowed me to do it which is a miracle! She came down with a cold on March 30 and it lasted about 10 days. Just sneezing and a runny nose...not a really bad one. She has been teething for what seems like forever. Her upper gum has been swollen since January. She had been sleeping about 12 hours a night and taking a 1.5 hr nap and going to sleep fairly willingly. 5 days ago, at bedtime, she went into hysterics that lasted 2 hours when my husband tried to put her in her crib. She then woke up during the night and was hysterical for another 1.5 hrs. She is also hysterical at nap time now too and forget walking out while she's awake. If she even thinks we are leaving, she stands up and screams. I think it's separation anxiety as nothing else has changed and she won't let me get more than a foot away from her during the's difficult to shower and pee! Any tips for the anxiety and how to get her sleep back on track????

Offline momofclaire

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Certainly sounds like separation anxiety to me.  I am going to move this thread to toddler sleep as I think you will find many moms over there who have dealt or are dealing with this problem.
Good luck
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline Layla

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Could be SA together with teething. How long has she been on 1 nap? What does her day look like (wake up, nap & what time & bedtime)


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Offline Gippie

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We JUST got some of this at nearly 17 months and I fear it was triggered by ONE day at daycare where she had to stay for the whole day - she is usually home with DH.  We will be using daycare 3x per week till summer cause DH is going to the police academy - so we have to make it work.

Bedtimes have some yelling nad she has woken each of the past 2 nights.     For bedtimes, I ASK her if she wants me to sit there with her and I hold her had through the crib and the say goodbye when she is almost out.   I am TRYING to employ something that I CAN gradually withdraw as this passes.   For the NW's I am laying on her floor saying "mommys here..." and a few other reassuring phrases I have used in our past sleep retrain sessions.   

I am trying to keep it all voice related and I have read that if it IS SA, we should go to them, so I am and hope it is able to subside. 

Edited to add - I have also noticed that at her naptime  she wants her "milk" and we do her AM/PM in a bottle and I give it in a sippy if she asks for it - cause we are NOT adding botles and I see her asking for them as comfort and security.  She also immediatly wants her teddy/lovie if she is sad - always has - but NOW she aslo asks for her binky - which she NEVER has  - it is only a night thing.  I do not give the binky.   Today she even signed "tired" thinking that she could bet her binky if she was going to little things arent they? :P ;)   

Post how you are getting on scotpiper!
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 12:28:53 pm by Gippie »