My 20 wk old son has been having frequent nht wakings for the last month. It's been getting worse lately too.
I got advice previously that he could be overtired so we lengthened the catnap, tried putting it a bit later, and extended his afternoon nap to 2 hours... Before his dreamfeed he wakes up 3 to 4 times, we bounce him back to super groggy, or sometimes to sleep and put him back in crib. sometimes he'll last an hour, sometimes 15 minutes.It is driving me bananas.
After the dreamfeed he wakes every 3 hours, and we've had a few nights where he woke every 2 hours.
On the november 2006 birthclub thread, I am reading about a lot of sleep issues for the 4th month, but I feel like there must be something I am doing or not doing to foster these frequent wakings. I will post my routine in the next post, I am going to find it in an old post and copy it...
if anyone has any similar experience, I am feeling at the end of my rope.
thanks in advance,Liana