Hi there, I would like some opinions as to whether my ds's naptimes could be causing his increase in nightwakings. DH believes that 13mo ds is napping too much, but I don't agree. Here is our current schedule (times are approximate, of course):
6:15 - wake
9:45 - first nap for 60-75 minutes
2:30 - second nap for 60 minutes
7:15 - asleep for the night
Ds has NEVER slept through the night. A few weeks ago, he was only waking twice to nurse (that's a whole 'nother issue), but I was okay with it because NW was obviously habit and I felt I could break him of it when I wanted. Then I stopped giving him his reflux meds. I had weaned him down to a small amount and then just stopped completely to see if he really needed it. I believe this is what is causing NW, because ds is also having a harder time settling to sleep, so I think he's a bit uncomfortable with the changes in his stomach. At least he is not screaming in pain like in the past, but he is waking every 90 minutes or so.
About a week after the change to the meds, I tried waking him early from the morning nap to see if I could move him to one longer nap in the afternoon. He was cranky for days and when I switched him back to the two nap schedule yesterday, it was like he was very overtired, he was dying for sleep. So he slept a total of 2 1/2 hours at naps yesterday and woke constantly through the night, so my dh is convinced he napped too much. Dh doesn't seem to realize that ds has been sleeping poorly like this for at least a week, even when he didn't have as much naptime!
As far as other potential impacts on NW, ds is getting his molars, but I tried giving him Motrin a couple of nights and it made no difference. He's been walking for 2 months now, so I know new milestones are not an issue. I'm sure it's the reflux, but I just want to be sure I'm doing the right thing for naps. I thought the signal for making the 2-to-1 nap switch was when the lo started resisting a nap or bedtime. Is this correct? Are there other signs? Ds doesn't resist sleep at all if I stick with the above schedule, it's actually easier to put him down. Am I doing the right thing? If so, help me convice dh that ds really needs this sleep!
