I know, sleep issues are a part of my hesitation, but he's a big boy. He wakes me in the middle of the night when he crashes into his crib! I don't know how he sleeps though that. Ben is really testing the waters...he wants me to stay in his room. He told me, "It makes me cry when mommy leaves the room." Why was I so anxious for this boy to talk?
I ended up staying in his room last night
. It's hard for me because I have a 4 month old and he was asleep in the room next door. I know if I would have tried wi/wo he would have woken his brother up. What to do...?
We have had lots of success with wi/wo and gradual withdrawal, but it seems every couple of months we start from sqaure one. Now I have to figure out how to re-train him without waking the baby!
This should be interesting...
Thanks for the replies. I really appreciate it!