First things first - you must be consistent and that includes your routine. It's hard, I know, but the end results are amazing. You definitely do not want AES (and sometimes Y
) because then you will end up with a feed-to-sleep association and a new set of problems. And you DEFINITELY do not want to bring him into bed with you. It's amazing how fast they can adapt and develop and new habit/expectation. As Tracy said, "start as you mean to go on" so if you don't want to start co-sleeping permanently, don't bring him to your bed. Believe me I know how tempting it is, but it's sooooo not worth it in the long run.
Have you checked out the EASY forum? There are sample routines in there for each age and perusing those can really help identify what might work for you. I'd suggest that you consider a 4 hour EASY instead of 3, but depending on your LO's personality sticking with a 3 for a while might be easier, but then you have one more transition over to the 4 hour to contend with. With that being said though, sometimes you have to do what you have to do to survive and bad habits CAN be fixed. So consider carefully.
You're doing very well to have put him down awake and have him asleep within 5 min
Feeding to sleep can be one of the hardest habits to undo so you're definitely on the right track.
Have you checked out our PPD forum? It's a great source of info and support.
And yes, things are so hard when they're so young - sleep deprivation is a form of torture isn't it!
YES!!!! I don't miss those days much.