Author Topic: Some advice on teething please!  (Read 1537 times)

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Some advice on teething please!
« on: April 28, 2007, 08:25:13 am »
Hello All,
Just need some advice on 16mo teething problems. DS cut his right mlar on Monday night (he already has left molar - last week)Bt last night was a repeat performance - waking every 10 mins or so from 10pm - 2.30pm. I gave him Calpol, gel and teething grains, but nothing seemed to help. In your opinion, is it better to give a dose of Calpol before we put him to bed and then another dose when he wakes 4 hours later? Also it does say on the bottle not to give Calpol for more than 3 days running, but we are now on day 4?
When he wakes, he is obviously in pain, but if I pick him up he arches his back which suggests he really does want to sleep. We tried bringing him in our bed (I know!), but then he starts messing about and wanting to play - his teeth don't seem to hurt then!
Also, when we have nights like this what should I do regarding naps the following day? He is dead beat by 10.30am and sleeps for 1.30 - 2 hours but then this mucks up the whole day. Should I try to give him a short nap at 9am ish (it would have to be in the pram or car) and then a longer nap at around 1.30pm, or let him sleep at 10.30am and aim for a short nap in afternoon or a super early bedtime?
How long in your experience can I expect the teething to go on as the tooth is through or could it be the secondary molars coming through immediately?
Any advice and tales of your experiences would be of great help!
Thanks a million - again!
Lis and a very tired Nicholas.

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Re: Some advice on teething please!
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2007, 09:01:50 am »
AAARRGGHHH (excuse the frustration, i just typed a whole lot and it vanished).  ::)

Theo has ben teething with his molars since middle of Feb and 3 wks ago finally got his bottom left and days ago his bottom right has finally stayed up (gums keep swellin over them).  I noticed yesterday that he had his top right all the way through (didn't see this before) and his top left pushing through.  So maybe your lo could be having them all at the same time too. Theo always got teeth in pairs, like 2 days apart.

As for calpol, why not try baby ibuprofen for a couple of days to give the calpol a rest. DOn't give it longer than 3 days though as it can upset their tummy.

Theos nights weren't too bad but we had 2 bad nights a week and lots of nappy changes (a good sign Theo is teething).  We tried to keep his naps the same (1 nap of upto 2 hrs) but if he had a bad night and fell asleep a little earlier then we would let him have an afternoon nap for about 20 mins.


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Re: Some advice on teething please!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2007, 04:51:54 am »
Thanks Harvey and Theo's Mum - that was really helpful. Nicholas's birthday is 23rd Dec - he'll be two then too so I hope it's ok if I bother you again for advice!
I live on a Greek island (I'm English) and there are no health visitors or mother and toddler groups so I just rely on my family in the U.K for advice, although my SIL can't always remember with her 4yr twins!!

Things were better yesterday, although I got in from a very long, stressful day at work to find DH had given DS the Greek version of Karvol orally, in a syringe thinking it was Calpol! (fortunately DS sicked it up immediately!) I also learnt that Ds had pooed on the kitchen floor (thankfully Dh had cleaned it up!) and smeared the entire contents of the tub of Sudacrem in the lounge! I mean, it's not safe to leave them is it!??

Anyway, surprisingly, we had a good night last night! Wonder if the Carvol had anything to do with it??!!!!!
Are the bottom molars next in line? What does Theo do if he wakes at night in pain and more importantly, what do you do?
Nice to speak to you!
Love Lis and Nicholas
P.s We love the name Theo - it's Greek!

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Re: Some advice on teething please!
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2007, 14:41:30 pm »
Of course you can get in touch any time.

Harvey was totally different when teething, never had any trouble except the odd rough night.  Not that I would remember either. lol
Glad things were better and sorry about all the Karvol and sickness.  I am pretty lucky with my DH as he is a BW (He's a member here too) and spends more time on here than I do.

MAybe he will get his bottom molars next, like i said, Theo has just cracked 4 molars and one front tooth within weeks.  If he wakes and we can't settle him with a little sush then we give him calpol. 

We got the name Theo from another BW.  When we joined here 3 yrs ago and I saw a pretty little boy named Theo I fell in love with the name. lol

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Re: Some advice on teething please!
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2007, 08:17:26 am »
Hello Harvey and Theo's Mum and Dad!
 I'm off work today, so thought I would bother you for some advice and your experiences!

Is Theo talking yet - what words is he saying? I ask because DS's Daddy is Greek and although we speak English to DS, DH's family only speak Greek and I wondered if this would hinder his speech a bit.

 When you say "No" to Theo, does he take any notice? Nicholas just laughs at us and just carries on doing what ever he's doing!

Are you still giving Theo a bottle at night and in the morning? We are, and I wondered when the best time would be to stop. N suffers with wind alot at night, which often wakes him up. I'm wondering if the cause is the bottle although we have made a really big whole in the teet.   I suppose I could try the milk again in a sippy, although last time he wasn't having any of it!

What are your boys' fav food? We're really lucky there in that N eats anything, but I often get stuck on what to give him for tea (5am)

Thanks alot. It's difficult here cos Mum's have such different ideas!
Love Lis and Nicholas

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Re: Some advice on teething please!
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2007, 11:32:34 am »
Theo has said quite a bit since he was about 1 yr, things like Dora, backpack, map, hiya, mam, dad, night night and ta ta. He also said a couple of family member names but he is very good at talking.  I do know a lady on here (her ds is not much older than ours) he doesn't talk and nor did her first talk until he was about 18 months.  They are just deep thinkiers and not inetrestedin their voices at that at time...but her now 4 yr old is a very good talker and infact he talks better than most of the kids in his class, they ive in Canada.  Also, Theo no longer says Dora, map or boots and everything is Teddy for this past few days. He has a craze with bear in the big blue house and sings the songs to a few tv programmes. SO no more words only singing at the moment.

Theo does understand the word "no" but also laughs and carries on regardless 99% of the time. lol  It is a bit of a game to him, so half the time we ignore him.

Theo has never had a botle as he was exclusively breastfed but my first had bottles from 4 months when i had to stop. We stopped with baby milk and gave him cows milk at 1 yr old.  He still had a bottle for bed up until last year when he was about 2 1/2 we took it away, but he only had that to go to sleep on for comfort and it was only water.  Theo drinks out of water bottles or sports bottles.

Pasta is Harvey's favourite but like your ds Theo eats anything and everything. He is happiest when eating and he quit BF when he was 10 1/2 months old.  I think he just loves solids, he loves his food so much that he has been feeding himself with cutelry since 12 months old because he would get frustrated with us as we couldn't feed him quick enough. ::)
They also love potatoes, but they are vegetarians and have substitute meats.  WHat is his main meal of the day because HArvey and Theos meal is at tea time and a smaller dinner. They have breakfasts at 7, snack (fruit, yoghurt, crackers with cream cheese or maybe a bagel or crumpet)at 10:15am and then a light lunch of a sandwich or jacket potato around midday (or in Theos case when he wakes fromhis nap). A piece of fruit as snack around 2pm and then our main meal is at 3:30-4pm.  And finally supper (cereal) at 6 - 6:15pm and bedtime routine starts at 7pm.

How's the weather there? It is beautiful here and i think we are in for a warm summer.

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Re: Some advice on teething please!
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2007, 16:46:06 pm »
Thanks for the info - really helpful. Wow, Theo does talk alot! It's not that I'm worried about Nicholas at all - I know that ALL children are different, but I was really interested to know how much Theo said. Nicholas only says cat, dog, daddy,mummy and he tries to say our dog's name too. He babbles on all day, but not with clear words. I suppose it could be the two language thing and he hasn't got any other children to play with either to help. Never mind, we're coming to England in July for 6 weeks and he'll be with my bruv's 4 yr old twins, so that should help. It's soo important to me that he speaks English first - well he's going to learn Greek anyway living here!
The weather is very nice at the moment - 24 degrees today (a little bit cloudy) - just how I like it, but from now on it gets hotter and hotter. That's why we always escape to England during the hottest months. Last summer we had beautiful weather while we were in England - it's so nice to be able to get out every day with children. Here, in the height of the summer you're limited as to what hours you can go out. Sometimes it's even too hot for the beach for little ones.

So Theo doesn't drink cows milk before bed? Does he drink it during the day at all?
Where abouts are you in Wales?
Thanks again for all the info!
Lis and Nicholas

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Re: Some advice on teething please!
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2007, 18:23:56 pm »
Theo has his milk with his cereal and at snack times, he does have a small cup of milk after his cereal too because he wantsto be like his brother and is getting really good at drinking out of a proper cup.  He drinks a lot of water too.
I take him to school 2 mornings a week and he has a good run around there and mixes with the kids, has snacktime with them (milk carton with a straw).  I do think mixing with other kids is a good learning curve for them.  It is at Harvey's school and he has been going since just after xmas because i was taking H there anyway. Harvey has been going there 2 mornings a week since he was 16 months old and so when he turned 3 he started srtaight away and was full time before xmas.

I bet it gets really hot over there, I am not a sun person myself but love the spring so the boys can let off some steam out the garden. I can see why you would come to the UK for the hottest part of the year. :)

I live in S.Wales....not far from Cardiff.

Nicholas has beautiful eyes btw.

You can pm me anytime you wish.