Theo has said quite a bit since he was about 1 yr, things like Dora, backpack, map, hiya, mam, dad, night night and ta ta. He also said a couple of family member names but he is very good at talking. I do know a lady on here (her ds is not much older than ours) he doesn't talk and nor did her first talk until he was about 18 months. They are just deep thinkiers and not inetrestedin their voices at that at time...but her now 4 yr old is a very good talker and infact he talks better than most of the kids in his class, they ive in Canada. Also, Theo no longer says Dora, map or boots and everything is Teddy for this past few days. He has a craze with bear in the big blue house and sings the songs to a few tv programmes. SO no more words only singing at the moment.
Theo does understand the word "no" but also laughs and carries on regardless 99% of the time. lol It is a bit of a game to him, so half the time we ignore him.
Theo has never had a botle as he was exclusively breastfed but my first had bottles from 4 months when i had to stop. We stopped with baby milk and gave him cows milk at 1 yr old. He still had a bottle for bed up until last year when he was about 2 1/2 we took it away, but he only had that to go to sleep on for comfort and it was only water. Theo drinks out of water bottles or sports bottles.
Pasta is Harvey's favourite but like your ds Theo eats anything and everything. He is happiest when eating and he quit BF when he was 10 1/2 months old. I think he just loves solids, he loves his food so much that he has been feeding himself with cutelry since 12 months old because he would get frustrated with us as we couldn't feed him quick enough.
They also love potatoes, but they are vegetarians and have substitute meats. WHat is his main meal of the day because HArvey and Theos meal is at tea time and a smaller dinner. They have breakfasts at 7, snack (fruit, yoghurt, crackers with cream cheese or maybe a bagel or crumpet)at 10:15am and then a light lunch of a sandwich or jacket potato around midday (or in Theos case when he wakes fromhis nap). A piece of fruit as snack around 2pm and then our main meal is at 3:30-4pm. And finally supper (cereal) at 6 - 6:15pm and bedtime routine starts at 7pm.
How's the weather there? It is beautiful here and i think we are in for a warm summer.