Author Topic: lacking motivation  (Read 2603 times)

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Re: lacking motivation
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2007, 19:22:26 pm »
Nadia, it took longer than 2 weeks here too, but I certainly saw an improvement after 2 weeks, that's why I thought the 2 week challenge was a fair one.  For me, after 2 weeks of solid, committed training I was awake for just 2 whole hours as opposed to 4!  ::)  But it was enough for me to think that I'd come so far that I wasn't giving up!!

Yaya, we are all here for you and will support you as much as we can.  I am on MSN if you need instant support, even at 2am I'm sure that Layla will be here! (I nominate her because she is in OZ and will probs be online anyway!)  Just let us know and we will all be here for you, we are cheering you all the way.    :D
(PM me for my e.mail if you need it for MSN)

Offline Layla

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Re: lacking motivation
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2007, 23:15:29 pm »
Lol Mari!!! I was meaning to post yesteday but my little munchkin was pulling at my leg to go out to the park and when we came back home, had to rush dinner etc... and then dh came home and went straight on the computer so here I am now (finally).

Yaya... repeat after me....I CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS!!!!

Accept help from DP, write a plan and stick it on the fridge or toilet door to remind yourself that your ultimate goal is to give him something he will need for the rest of his life - the ability to sleep independantly!!!

Of course he will cry but your not making him cry. You are still there with him so he might very well be upset becuase its all new to him and will take some time to adjust and learn....

Start tonight and let us know how you go!!! Remember, consistency is the key. No point in doing one thing just to cave in.... just prolonging the process....

Good luck!!!!!
Layla :-*

20/06/2012 - my angel baby