I have tried to read a bunch of other posts to see if anyone has had the same issue but I could not find anything. My daughter is 26 months old. She has been a good napper since about 4 months. About a week ago she started fighting naps. It seemed as though she was not really tired at 1 pm so I moved her nap back a bit to 1:30 - 2pm. I will put her up there using the same routine I always have. She plays - talks to her rabbit and blanket, sings, etc. - and is pretty good natured for a while. But she also likes to throw those items out of her crib and than scream bloody murder until I come give them back to her (usually she will do this once or twice). All this can go on for well over an hour. Usually about the time I am ready to give in and get her out, she falls asleep, so she is napping until 4:30 or 5 pm which seems way too late. [For example, the other day I put her in the crib at 1:30 pm, she finally fell asleep about 3 pm and slept until 4:30 pm.] It does not seem to impact her night sleep - she is (knock on wood) going to bed as she normally does at the normal time.
I was in tears today. I am a stay-at-home mom but I also do some consulting work on the side. I depend on her nap time to do conference calls, etc. and I am just about to start on a big project. Normally I would put her in her crib and she would roll over and go to sleep in 10 minutes or less. At this point, I am almost ready to cancel the job because I have no confidence on when/if she will nap. I have no idea why the sudden change - nothing else has changed, no teething, etc. When she does fall asleep, she sleeps for 1.5 - 2 hours so it seems like she needs the rest, that she is not simply outgrowing naps. She held on to two naps until about 17 months so I figured she would hold on to an afternoon nap for a long time.
Her schedule used to look like this, in case it is helpful. We have a solid bedtime and nap routine that have worked for a long time:
6:30 - 7:30 am Wake, then breakfast
11:30 am or so - lunch
1 - 3 pm - nap
6 pm - dinner
8 pm - bed