Hi girls,
My son is about 18 months and has horrible sleep. Takes sometimes 2 hours to fall asleep, I must be in the room, sometimes patting required, sometimes 2 bottles of milk required, getting up about every 2-3 hours in the night requiring more patting or milk to fall back asleep. I've tried the pu/pd and ferberizing before and it did work. But with every travel or illness, he went right back to his old routine. He's only slept through the night about 2 weeks out of the entire 18 months. There is a new baby coming in 5 months so we were going to try to pi/pd adn then ferberize him (required to get him weaned off me in the room but doens't last long--only about 2 5 min sessions with him) but he can get out of his crib. And, not gracefully. He puts his foot up against the slats, pulls himself up with his arms, then teeter totters on the crib rail till he fall out and goes thump. Because I'm afraid he might land in an awkward position and sprain something, I decided to give up and maybe just bribe him to sleep when he's older. Then I came across this forum with the wi/wo technique. This would solve the problem of his crashing over his crib since it takes him about 15-20 sec to acheive this.
Just wanted to know, how long did it take most of you moms to get your child to sleep through the night without your aid? We have a lot of travel, visitors coming in the near future and I'd like to figure out the best time to begin this. Have most moms been successful? How many hours did the first few nights take? How many days or weeks in total?
My toddler is soooo active. He also has a difficult time settling himself because he's always so wired. If I'm in the room, he can play for 3 hours without falling asleep. He just can't seem to shut his brain off. He's always in play mode, very happy, very goofy. I think that's another issue.
Thanks in advance for all your feedback. Once I get started on this I'll post. I'll probably need a lot of reassurance and further advice.
Oh, one other question, so the first night it's 5 seconds walk out. Is that the time limit for the entire night. When do you start to add further time? Is it in 5 sec increments? Do you add the 5 sec increments on a daily basis or every time they wake up at night?
Thanks again.