My son just turned 1 and we relocated from NYC to London this week for dh's work
. Things has been hectic to say the least so I'm a little late in adjusting ds's routine. Here's his routine so far:
6:30 am - wake up and have a 4-6 oz bottle milk (just started to transition to whole milk 2 days ago so it's a combo of milk and formula)
7:30-8 am - breakfast (usually yogurt and cottage cheese+ pieces of cheddar + some bread), water out of the straw cup
9:30 am - nap (1-1.5 hrs), prior to the nap I give him milk out of the straw cup because I started weaning him from the bottle but he drinks v. little
11:30 am - lunch (usually stage 3 fruit jar from Earth's Best or Hipp Organic)
2:30 pm- 4-6 oz bottle of milk (combo of milk and formula), also started giving in a straw cup out of which he drinks much less
2:30 pm - nap (1-1.5 hrs)
4:30 pm - dinner
6:30 - 7pm - bath, massage
7 pm - 6 oz bottle of milk w/cereal mixed in, some more yogurt if he wants it
7:30 pm - bedtime
He falls asleep with the paci, other than that we try not to give it to him. Unfortunately, most nights he still wakes up once, around 4-5 in the morning and I give him some milk. He's always been low on the weight chart (though he's extremely active and physical, who knows where he gets the energy, definitely not from food), and he's always been a poor eater but the last couple of days have been extremely bad, he's practically refusing all the food out of the spoon, even what he always loved, like yogurt, doesn't even want to try it
. Well, that's probably a topic for a different forum but if someone can comment on our routine, there're probably things I can/should change, maybe it'll help with feeding as well.
Thank you very much!!!