DS is 14 mons. and has tested positive for egg, peanut and milk allergies at 6.5 mons.... so I'm not sure he's considered MSPI or MPI or not. He tested negative to a soy and wheat allergy.
I bf him for 6.5 mons on a milk free diet, then switched him to Alimentum after getting frustrated w/ trying to eliminate other foods from my diet and in combo with learning about his egg allergy (peanut came later).
We switched to soy formula at 9 mons as directed by the allergist. However we tried to switch to soy milk at 12 mons and he had slight skin rash (most of his reactions are skin/eczema related) so I went back to formula.
Now I'm in the middle of his 2nd soy milk trial and he did just perfect for six days, then began getting skin rashs/eczema (not sure the difference) at different spots, that stayed for a day or two, then cleared. He also had some looser stools for a day, but that has improved too. He's been on it for 12 days now. Is this normal for an adjustment? I haven't added any other new foods.
We've also had troubles adding other foods - now he eats g. beans, peaches, pears, sweet pots, carrots, turkey and chicken. Grains have been the hardest (causing the worst skin problems for him.)
What should I do? Keep up the soy milk for a few more days? Stop and try in another month?
Thanks. I appreciate your help.