Author Topic: Help... A times have halved...what's going on?!  (Read 771 times)

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Offline Isabella's Mummy (Lilab4)

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Help... A times have halved...what's going on?!
« on: May 30, 2007, 20:32:07 pm »
Isabella (13 months this weekend) was poorly Mon - Friday last week with a fever and (we think) teething pain. We took her to the doctors twice, but they couldn't find anything wrong and put it down to molars. Ever since then she has continued to be grumpy most of the day and still is not really eating much and has dropped her afternoon and bedtime milk. She has also gone from managing 3-4hrs A time during the day to only 1.5 - 2hrs!! Can this still be catching up from last week when she was having NWs (4hrs on Monday eve) and yet still only taking 1.5 - 2hr in naps?? I am really worried about her as she appears to be losing weight and just isn't happy to be awake at the moment. I am going to call the doctor again tomorrow, but would appreciate  some feedback from you guys tonight, have any of you experienced anything like this with teething? or after illness??

Thanks in advance

Lila xxx
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Offline Isabella's Mummy (Lilab4)

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Re: Help... A times have halved...what's going on?!
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007, 20:38:14 pm »
Ps. her naps aren't any longer than normal, today they were:

7 awake (1 NW at 5, for 20 minutes)
8.15 - Nap 50 minutes
11.15 - Nap 1.5hrs
1.45 - 30 minutes & 4.15 - 30 minutes (both in car as we had to travel 3.5hrs this afternoon)

Pps. She doesn't appear to be in as much pain as she was last week.
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Offline KathrynK

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Re: Help... A times have halved...what's going on?!
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2007, 10:51:31 am »
Sophie always needs more rest that usual when she is teething- I guess being in constant pain is tiring for the body. Let us know what the DR says

Offline Isabella's Mummy (Lilab4)

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Re: Help... A times have halved...what's going on?!
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2007, 18:25:27 pm »

What a day!:

Wake at 5am - out of bed at 6am
7oz milk and fell asleep on our bed (unheard of!) so I took her back to her cot and she slept til 8.15
9.00 - some raisins and a few cheerios
10.15 - got very upset and went back to bed
12.50 - woke her to see HV - Very very grumpy
1.00 - big tantrum and screaming fit, then after calming down, snacked on my lunch.
2.30 - back to bed (over 2.5 hrs A time!!)
3.50 - woke herself, went to docs - (grumpy and bit of a tantrum in the waiting room)
5.15 - Tantrum in high chair after eating a couple of bits of veg. Then got out and ate 1.5 FF and a biscuit that DH pretended were his.

Then she turned into an angel, went for a walk, played had a bath and in bed at 7.

So to summerise (cause I have gone on a bit!) - she has had more A time, eaten a little more, but only had 1 milk feed and had some horrible screaming fits / tantrums.

Doc says one of her ears is red and has given anti biotics, but we got the impression she did it because she couldn't find any other reason. We also have vitamin drops for her. The doc also said that the teething seems to have stopped. Her gums are still red, but no longer swollen and no new teeth :(

I think some of the tantrums are from frustration. I am hoping that once she walks it will help, and definitely when she learns to comminicate a little more.

I feel a little better about it again today because she has managed to stay awake a little more and has definitely eaten a bit more. Hopefully the vitamin drops will help too. I can't help but feel as though I will never be able to take her to a public place again though. I can't see her sitting quietly anywhere, thats for sure!

Thanks for listening - sorry for the long post!

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Re: Help... A times have halved...what's going on?!
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2007, 14:48:05 pm »
Lila, I posted on our birth board as well but it does sound to me like there is something going on.  Hopefully it is just the ears and she has pain with the infection and that is why she doesn't want to eat (like maybe it hurts to swallow?) and it will clear up guess on the tantrums is from her not eating - Bethany is always crabby on the days she doesn't eat as well.  Do you think it is behavioral or something health-wise?  With all the sleeping it sounds to me like something is going on health-wise, imho.  So sorry you are I said in my other post I know what it feels like I remember how horrific it was when Bethany stopped eating the time she was sick.  :(