Dd is 2 months old. Around a week and a half ago she developed little pimply bumps on her face and scalp. Until then her complexion was clear. I did take her to the doctor and they said it was baby acne and it would go away on it's own. But I'm wondering if it could be the start of eczema or atopic dermatitis.
Almost a week ago she started being much harder to feed, taking less, and spitting up more often. I have been thinking that the difficulty feeding is being distracted and the spitting up was possibly from the shots she had on last Friday.
The past three days she hasn't been sleeping as well, her naps are now very, very short (sometimes only 10 minutes or so!!!). She isn't having diarrhea, although I did notice some mucous in her stools. I don't know if that is "normal" or not. No blood or anything. She is congested, always has been, the doctor said she probably has a mild case of reflux and is refluxing milk into her nose.
I have two other children who had some allergy issues and I also have had some problems.
I'm wondering if this sounds like it could possibly be from her formula (regular cow's milk based) or if it is more likely just baby acne and a developmental thing that will pass on it's own.
With dd#1 she had blood in her stools, so it was more of an obvious allergy thing. With ds, he has rough skin patches that are itchy and obvious inhalant allergies and has been on Zyrtec since he was 18 months old.