Basically there is no longer any routine because of his erratic sleep times.
I feed no later than 7am, waking him if I need to. He then wants to go to sleep about 40 mins after that & can sleep anywhere between 20 mins & 2 hrs. After that he'll feed every 3.5hrs but his sleep times are all over the place. I try & put him down but he just cries. If I do manage to get him to nap he'll be awake after 40 mins & I can't settle him again.
In the evening I have a bedtime routine whereby I massage him, bath & feed so that he's settled down for 7pm. He used to go down no problem, now he wont settle that easily & is constantly waking up.
He won't take a bottle when he wakes at night (I've tried) after the DF but he wakes every 2 hrs from about 1.30am. He's no longet swaddled but in a growbag.
I'm desperate to get back on can I do this???