Yeah, Grace is a climber so maybe putting an extra few inches of padding in her play pen would not be the best idea

I can just see her running out of the room and running around. That wouldn't be fun.
We have a really soft crib sheet that's nice and extra cooshy so we'll be sure to bring that and our fan that we use in her room.
A few weeks back we had to stay at a hotel as our home was being treated for termites

. Well, we used the hotels crib and it took so long to get her to sleep each time and we were planning on doing wi/wo but there were people staying next to us and across the way from us and they could hear her

so we had to sit in there with her until she feel asleep. I hated every moment of staying in the hotel.

I felt so bad for her and I was going crazy too...thank God DH took over most of it.
I guess we'll just go with it and do whatever it takes.