Author Topic: Does anyone else's 5/6 mo. old get tired of every activity very quickly?  (Read 3467 times)

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Offline jadeborn

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My LO will be six months in about a week, and he gets sick of EVERYTHING so fast.  He gets tired of my playing with him; he gets sick of his exersaucer; he won't play with toys while sitting for more than a few minutes without getting fussy.  Is this just an attention span problem that will take care of itself as he gets older, or is he just REALLY impatient?  He cries everytime I lay him down now too. . .though I'm not sure if this is related to A time or not. 

He is sleeping fine for naps and during the night.  He does get a little overtired during the day because he wont' take a third nap so I extend A time before the second one, but he gets sick of his toys quickly even after he has only been awake for a few minutes.  The only things that keep him happy are stroller and car rides, unless they are more than 45 minutes.

Please give me any ideas you can!

Offline skatty

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I had exactly the same at 5 months, it was so frustrating!! DD couldn't sit up without help but a few weeks later once she could sit unaided she would be so happy surrounded by her toys and could play independantly for ages. I found putting her in a high chair and giving her some spoons to play with while I washed up or prepared dinner would help me get things done. She is now 9 months and hasn't got the hang of crawling and its started all over again but we had a good 3 months of her being happy sitting with her toys and books  :)

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Thanks so much to both of you!  It's such a relief to know that it will get better.  Seriously, he is just fussing, crying, and screaming all day!  I'm getting so sick of holding him and walking around the house!  I just know that once he finally masters sitting up he will be happier!

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Could he be teething too? It sounds like a combination of teething and frustration. If it is the good thing is when he is sitting up he will amuse himself and take away some of the fussiness of teething. I found DD's inflatable play ring quite good as she could sit up in it with a cushion and this made her back stronger so she could sit independantly. It wont be long now and you will be able to sit and have a cup of tea and flick through a mag occassionally  ;)

Offline jadeborn

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I do think he may be teething as well, though I'm not sure because I don't really know what to look for.  He has been drooling like crazy and putting everything in his mouth since three months. 

He is even worse today.  He doesn't want to sit up with his Boppy or with my help to play with his toys.  He certainly doesn't want to lay down and play with his gym or anything either.  The exersaucer entertained him for a short time this morning, but then he started freaking out in it.  I walked him around the house all morning.  Thankfully he let me read him a few books too. . .  He was up late last night, so hopefully this is just him being a overtired today, and not the beginning of another really long week!  He was SO good yesterday too!

Offline skatty

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It sounds so much like my D, she has teethed almost constantly since 3 months and stil only has 2 teeth  ::) When the teething is bad all she wants to do is be picked up all day and everything frustrates her and all we get is meltdowns. One way to see if it is his teeth is to give him a single does of baby paracetomel, if his behaviour improves then you know it's the dreaded teeth  :P
« Last Edit: July 09, 2007, 17:14:50 pm by skatty »

Offline Erin M

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Could also be frustration from wanting to be more mobile than he is right now -- he could be getting ready to crawl or something like that.  It's probably just that he wants to be going places, but can't and it's frustrating to him.  Hang in there!

Offline jadeborn

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Where do I get this paracetomel stuff?  I've tried Baby Orajel. . .Don't know if it is working or not. . .

I don't think my DS is EVER going to learn to crawl.  He hates tummy time.  Every time I put him on his tummy he just flips right back over.  If anyone has any ideas about how to entice him to stay on his tummy for awhile, I'd love that.  So far toys in front of him don't help much.

I'm beginning to think that his not being able to sit is not the reason he is being so fussy with everything.  He doesn't seem to want to sit a lot of the time.  Maybe he really does want to be mobile.  He prefers standing (with my help of course) over anything else. . .but we are SO far away from walking. . .I don't know if I can take this for THAT long. . .but I guess I have to cause I'm his mom!

Really, thanks for all the support.  It helps to talk to y'all about this.

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A mixture of everything, but it is true that their attention span is limited at this age and they bore easily.  There,s plenty of toys for small babies, some educational and all that, but actually very few are of interest to them (rattles, if he is teething perhaps the sort he can bite on, I remember my daughter liked a mirror which was obviously paper, not breakable and also a small soft doll that she moved about, but she could sit up at that age already).  Nevertheless, they lose interest quickly.  Playing or talking to mommy may be more interesting for them, but each may like different things.  Talking to them, a single word or short sentence, then stop and see if he "answers you", because they do, and they like to see that you listen to them too.  Massaging their legs or arms or back, rolling them over (always slowly, with care), I did this things with my daughter lying on my bed, on top of the counterpane: it was not sleep time, but playtime.   I do not know what a boppy is, I used one of these seats that stay in the floor and are made of material, not hard and gave her something (which she dropped and mummy had to pick up five or six does not last any longer).

They are all focused in the major tasks ahead: sitting, crawling, walking, talking....and normally are interested in how their body moves and in talking their own baby talk.  Teeth may be felt as little bumps in his gums, but there,s no telling how long they will take to cut (dribbling is something all babies do, because they do not know how to swallow, even if they are not teething).   There are rings that you can put in the fridge and are cool for him to chew on, cold helps the pain.

I realize that the problem is that you walk him around (tiring) so that means he is not happy just to be in your arms with you sitting down, for this problem I love rocker chairs, because they normally soothe them.  It may even be that he gets overtired, if he does not have a nap for a long time, and that he cannot go to sleep because of pain, which would mean a very frustrated baby!   In that case, anything that helps him sleep (and you to sit down!) would be a bonus, try rubbing the gum with something soft (plastic) and cool.  

Playing alone is something he will do (or not) further along the line, and he will need to touch base with you often (and your attention, that is the way it goes, even at five he will want mummy to see how well he runs, swims, etc).    But it gets better over time (save perhaps the time when they want you to walk hand in hand with them because they are learning and your lower back screams for relief ..when the time comes, a toy baby chair is something he will love to push and will save you a lot of pain).  

Offline jadeborn

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Thanks for the suggestions Elvira.  My back really is killing me.  He is in the 90th percentile for weight!  Unfortunately, he will not let me sit down and be happy in my lap.  The rocking chair is his least favorite place in th house, as it is the place we go to get ready for a nap, and he never WANTS to nap.  He is not overtired most of the time, though.  He takes at least two long naps every day and he has started sleeping through the night (10.5 to 11 hrs) recently. 

I don't think he is patient enough for the massaging, and I do talk to him all the time, but I think I will try giving him a teddy bear or something.  If you DS liked a doll maybe he would like that.  He has a couple of bears, but they are big and hard to manipulate so maybe I should find a smaller one. . .

Offline lizbrown2002

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I don't have any wonderful advice - I just wanted to write to say that I am TOTALLY in the same boat as you!!  My adorable, sweet, fun-loving (and non-rolling) five-month old is driving me NUTS!  All she does is make that whining noise all day.  We are entering Week 2, and today isn't looking too good.  But, after reading all the advice you got, it makes me feel better to know this is normal and they will soon grow out of it.  I just keep chanting "This too shall pass" when she's screaming!! 

Ugh - momma needs a drink!   :D

Offline jadeborn

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Sounds like we need a support group LizBrown!  I'll let you know when we finally get through it so you have an end date to look forward to. . .We are well past two weeks now!  We are having a better day today though.  He is still whiny, but I think he was overtired on top of everything yesterday so he was horrible!  I love the little darling, but he is the toughest baby on the planet, I swear. . .

Offline Elvira

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Your comment about your child not liking to be on his tummy gives me a clue.  Very likely, maintaining his head up and away from the floor or flat surface is still a big effort for him, and what he hates is his FACE on a flat surface.  So he is not ready to sit up alone (very normal, you,ll see a big difference at 7 months) or for crawling (even more normal, 8 months is just about the average for that).  And yet, even if his naps last 2 hours each, he,s only sleeping 15 hours a day and has 9 hours to fill...I really think he might be overtired, at least for 2/3 of these hours, but he hates to go to sleep in case he misses something exciting.

The important thing is to stimulate his curiosity, help him explore the world, and do it in a way that will not have you walking him around for hours.   You may have tried many of these activities, but I,ll suggest them anyway in case they help:

-Sitting with him in your knees, facing you.  Take him by the arms near the wrists and swing him low down your legs and up again to sitting position.  Sing along (we have a rhyme talking about sawing a log, in Spain, perhaps you have one there or you can invent one).  Same position, move your knees up and down, imitating a horse (and sing along something appropriate).  Move your hand around, in a rotating way, in front of his eyes and see if he will imitate you (we sing along five little wolves, the she-wolf had five little wolves, all hidden behind the broom.., in spanish).  Count the fingers in his hand, saying that this went shopping for eggs, this lit the fire, this fried the egg, this salted it and this naughty thumb ate it.  Or anything else you invent along those lines.  Pretend your fingers are a very small child climbing his arm, and tickling him under it.   Teach him to say good bye or blow kisses, with his hand, and show him your tongue; see if he imitates all or any of this things (sooner or later, if all this does not bore him, he will).   

Some of the above things can be done with him tied to his stroller chair or similar, something that supports him.  And there you can provide him with things to explore (not to eat, though at mealtimes you can do that as well): one apple, orange or pear...a piece of paper (big, but not printed and not too soft as he will put it in his mouth) to wrinkle and make a ball of it, try different textures, a cloth, a plastic cup, spoon, dish, keyring with keys, his rattles, that teddy bear you are going to buy, a rubber duck is also good (and good for bath time), a rubber or cloth ball (small but not too small, double the size of his mouth), anything that it,s not breakable, too big to handle or too small (he may choke) and never plastic bags or wrappings.  He will eventually drop everything, but he will have explored them.

On a big bed, or blanket on the floor, lying face up:  Take him by the wrists and pull him up to a sitting position.  Take him by the ankles and lift him until his head his clear, a smooth movement that does not put pressure in his neck at any time and then move him up and down a little, and in a rotating motion (this is called the aviator, most babies love it but some hate it).  Try smelling his feet and pretending they stink. Don't ask me why, but many babies love it and laugh.  Kiss his stomach, blow on it, pretend you are eating him alive.  Tickle him slightly.  They also love to be thrown up in the air with you standing up, but if he is heavy it is tiring for you and perhaps scary.

In any position, try peekaboo with him, they usually also love that.

I do not know if any of this will help....but I really feel for you, walking around the house with a cranky baby.  It will get easier, but the things I suggest are interaction with mom (not alone with a toy), exploring the world and exploring his own capabilities.  Do NOT expect him to crawl yet, it is far too early.  Do only what he enjoys, but try what he did not enjoy the following week, as they are developing very quickly at this age.  And good luck!

Offline Erin M

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paracetamol is British for Tylenol if you're in the US

Don't know if you've seen a Baby Safe Feeder, but they look like a pacifier with a mesh bag attached to it, they're supposed to be for putting soft foods into -- you can get them at Babies R Us or Target or really anywhere -- anyway, I put ice cubes into them which work really well for teething babies.

Offline jadeborn

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Thanks for the Baby Safe Feeder suggestion.  I think my sister-in-law had one of those, but I handn't thought to use it for teething.  I'll have to try that.  I'll have to try the Tylenol too since the Orajel doesn't seem to help.


Thanks for all the playing suggestions.  Trust me, my LO gets TONS of mommy interaction time.  We have done almost everything you mentioned, but it doesn't hurt to add the things we haven't tried! 
I do appreciate your take on his sleeping as well.  He really isn't overtired, though.  I can tell when he hasn't had enough sleep.  Monday was awful because he went to bed late on Sunday night, but today wasn't so bad because I put him to bed a little earlier last night.  He wakes happy in the morning and he wakes happy from his naps, which tells me that he is getting enough rest.  I do think he begins to get a little overtired awhile before his second nap, and awhile before bedtime, but I know when he is being fussy because he is starting to get overtired versus fussing for other reasons.  Unfortunately, I have no choice but to allow him to become a little overtired those times during the day because he WILL NOT take a third nap, and if I put him to bed too early, he wakes up really really really early (and he is already an early riser), which makes for a really overtired LO the next day!  If you have any suggestions about how I can keep him from becoming overtired without adding a third nap, I would love to hear them. 
Also, don't worry, I don't expect him to crawl yet.  I'm not sure he will learn to crawl before he learns to walk!  I'm just excited that he is doing so well sitting up!  He sat by himself for a good ten minutes today without falling.  Now if only I could get him to stop trying to pick things up with his feet while in a sitting position. . .