I agree, if he's not needing the paci during naps, I wouldn't be offering it at night cause it might become a prop. I've also noticed he's taking 2 long naps & a catnap. It could be that he's getting too much daytime sleep. I would work towards dropping the catnap by increasing A time during the day. Try adding 15mins. If he wakes early from the pm nap, still give the catnap but if he's taking 2 -2hr naps then you could ditch the catnap & do an earlier bedtime to compensate. They also can't do full A time between catnap & bedtime so I would aim for bedtime 7 (to be alseep by 7.30pm).
Also I've noticed he's taking in 3 solids - is that for try or are they fairly well sized meals. When did you introduce solids? At 6 months they should only be tasting them rather than for "filling up" purpose so be careful with how much he's taking. It might be causing him uncomfort at night as well. Milk is the promary meal at this age. As for feeding too much... am I not sure there is such a thing at this age. If he's taking it in then thats probably what he needs/wants. Unless you are forcing him to drink the full bottle, I don't think its too much.
Lastly, what is he like when he wakes. We all wake at night in between sleep cycles so if he's waking & stirring or fussing or just making noises, I would leave it to settle on his own. I would only go to him if he's crying & if it sounds like he really needs you. When you go, try shh/pat or pu/pd rather than giving him the dummy. Is he is your room?