We've been changing Orla's routine to just one nap a day for the last week. It's going ok but I would love some advice. She 12.5 months old.
Firstly, should I give her lunch before or after her nap - I've been giving it before and she's been eating fine but she's tired, would it be better to wait til after her nap? but I don't want her waking early from her nap fom hunger.
My second question is, what do I do if she wakes early from her nap?, yesterday she slept for just under an hour and refused to go back to sleep, usually shushing (sometimes patting or back rubbing) will get her back but yesterday she got hysterical and would not go back to sleep so I had to get her up, I put her in the buggy and went for a walk and she went back to sleep. I really don't want this to become a habbit but she needs more than an hour's sleep.
Her new routine is(roughly):
7.30ish wake and plays in cot half an hour (can sleep til 8 sometimes)
8 bottle
8.45 breakfast
12.15 - 12.30 lunch
1.00 nap - (hopefully for 2 hours)
3 bottle
5.30 tea
7.30 bath then bottle
8 asleep
Any comments or advice would be great - I'd love to hear some advice on how best to do this.