Not sure if it is should be posted here…
My LO is 5m2w old exclusively breastfed and has digestion sensitivity and mild cow milk/eggs intolerance (often has mucousy green stools and at some point had some blood spots in his poo) so I have stopped eating dairy since then. During the day my LO seems to be satisfied with quantities of breast milk, but at 7pm feed I see him pulling on and of the breasts, arches his back, waves his arms, try to latch again and so on until he finally calms down and falling asleep. Would it be an indication that he is not satisfied?
We have been advised by an allergy specialist to use a non cow milk/non soy formula to mix into his cerial if I decide to give him solids soon (I tried to express my milk, but it is just so tiny amount left after LO has done his job so it may not be enough for mixing with cerial). With possible food allergies I know that you should avoid solids until 6 month…. should I try and give him a bit of formula in a bottle just for this 7pm feed or should I start solids?