Author Topic: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?  (Read 2228 times)

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Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« on: August 03, 2007, 22:06:13 pm »
My 3mth old used to have a dreamfeed around 10pm only to rise again at around 3/4am. We kept this going for a few weeks because our bub must of been hungry. I then decided to stop the dreamfeed and my bub now sleeps from 6:30pm until around 3/4am for this usual feed and resumes sleep again until 6:30am. I decided not to continue with the dreamfeed as it seems her body clock just needs this am feed. I guess my dreamfeed is at AM rather than PM, which still allows me a good solid sleep. Did anyone else find that the dreamfeed didnt help with bubs sleeping through the night? Is it possible to tell approx when she may drop this am feed? This is her fifth feed of the day, so it is her essential feed to get enough milk.

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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2007, 22:17:19 pm »
My son always woke up anywhere from 2-4 am for a feeding, even with a dreamfeed. We tried to make it work for a week, but he never would wake up enough to finish a bottle and even on the day or two that he did take an entire bottle he still woke up. DH and I gave up and just accepted that one of us would have to get up during the night for a good full feeding. I suppose we could have tried harder to make the DF work, but we go to bed early ourselves so staying up to 10-11pm to get a DF in was hard on us.

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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2007, 23:09:26 pm »
I'm in the same boat - we never could get the DF to work, and I am an early to bed person, so the 3-4 am feed was  easier for me than staying up till 11.

However, we also bf and just before my lo turned 6 months, she started waking for an additional night feed.  In other words, she's given HERSELF a dream feed!  I am pumping like crazy to try to get more calories into her during the day, and we started solids after she turned 6 mos, but so far the best we have done is put it off till 1am (and that only happened once).  It's like a growth spurt that's been going on for 3 weeks!  I'm hoping something shifts soon, because my little girl is SOOOOO tired (and so is her mommy).  We both miss those 9 hour sleeps!
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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2007, 23:53:20 pm »

My LO had never done a dream feed.  I found that her stretch of sleep earlier on was usually after first going to bed, like you are describing. For us, it was about 3.5 - 4 months when she stopped night feeding at night (I don't know if this is the average time or not).  She is bf and I noticed her seeming to get less interested in the night feeds.  She wasn't going on for very long, and not taking nearly as much as she did at her other feeds during the day.  What I did then was reduce the amount of time I breastfed by a minute every few days until it was gone.

However, like Ellen's LO, my DD also resumed a night feed at about 6 months.  I tried everything else to settle her but nothing would, and she was hungry.  I think it was related to her 6 month growth spurt, but it did continue on.  In total, it lasted about 4 weeks.  Like before, I noticed her scaling it back herself a bit so I did the same thing and reduced the time I fed her by one minute every few days.  This time, she actually dropped it herself when we got to 4 mins.  It's still very fresh, but she's been without a night feed again now for just over a week. Fingers crossed.  I am now able to settle her without a feed if she does wake.  Doing it slowly like this allows your LO an opportunity to make up for it by increasing intake during the day.  With bottle feeding, I have seen posts where people slowly reduced the amount by an ounce every few days or used increasingly watered down formula. 

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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2007, 00:25:08 am »
Oh, thank you for that info!  I was wondering how long it would take and/or how to phase it out.  I'll watch for signs that she is feeding less.  I hope we only have a week or so left!
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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2007, 09:54:19 am »
Hi  :)

We actually never used the df either as it made Grace wake up more through out the night. 

Your lo will start letting you know that it time to stop that feed.....1.  taking less at the morning feed 2 or taking less at that particular  3  waking up at the exact same time on the dot and still asking for food but not taking much 4,etc.

***With any thing you try (taking away the df, etc) always make sure to give it 3-5 days to see the results as it takes about that length of time for their bodies to adjust.

Have a great weekend.

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline KLT001

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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2007, 22:49:19 pm »
Thanks for that info. Its funny you should mention that you will notice when she wont want that early morning feed as she wont feed her next bottle in the morning because thats exactly whats happening. To be honest I do a sort of DF with my bub at 2am rather than the late night and until recently we literally
had to wake her with difficulty to feed. Im thinking that I should just let her sleep until she wakes for a feed. (Crazy are'nt I) Even if she feeds at 5am, ill try to out her back into her cot and wake at her normal time to top-up feed to start the day off the same way each day until she drops that feed.

The only thing Im puzzled about is that the early morning feed is her 5th feed and according to the formula tin she should be having this feed until she is 4months, so where do I make this up if she will only feed four hourly during the day? Or is it wise to just not give it to her if she doesnt want it? Id imagine she will want to catch up somewhere?

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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2007, 23:41:40 pm »
I would, if you choose to not do the 10:30 df, just let her sleep and wake when she's hungry. Otherwise, it could cause a habit in the long run. 

Don't worry too much about how many bottles or oz the books say they 'have' to have, etc.  My lo always drank about 1/3 less than any book said and I had to just remind myself that she will eat as much as her teeny tiny tummy can handle and she did.  If your lo drops that 5th feed, go with it. She will make it up during the day.  Just add extra oz to each day time feed, but don't worry if she won't take them right away.  It will take time for her body to adjust.

If her 5am feed is causing her 1st feed of the day to drop drastically, I would offer less at the 5am feed and just add extra water or what not.  You want that 1st feed of the day to be nice and big to sustain her until her next feed!

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline KLT001

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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2007, 02:49:01 am »
Good Idea, I didnt think of that! Id much rather her drink a full bottle at 6:30a.m (her waketime) than at say 2/3/4/5am! I will gradually reduce the amount if she wakes for it and hopefully it will eventally drop all together once she gets to the 4month old intake, which she will then take more in throughout the day. She is still filling up with 180ml (AUS Measurement) at this stage so Ill wait probably another 4wks or until she wants more before upping it up a notch. I am feeling a bit more comfortable now with the whole feeding thing.

I must just add that she slept 2.5hrs in her morning nap, which she has never done before. I was very happy as she woke a VERY happy baby too. Yeah! I good day always helps put up with the bad ones. ;D

Thanks for your advice as its been very helpful

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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2007, 13:38:29 pm »
You are very welcome!

Glad to hear the nap went well!  That's wonderful news.  :D

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2007, 16:20:47 pm »
We are on our last day of the first week (i.e. day 7) and so far, the DF does not seem to be working. My daughter still gets up every few hours.

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Re: Anyone find that the dreamfeed doesnt make a difference?
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2007, 18:49:40 pm »
If it's not working then you can stop....if you don't think it's helping!  The DF made my daughter wake up at least 1 more time per night than normal so we never used it and by 6 months she was sleep 12 hours with out a feed so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006