Your LO looks absolutely adorable!!!
You have made such great progress it seems from the start of this thread, and it seems to only have been a few days already. Well done!!
Henry did exactly the same, in that some days he would go down with absolute ease and other days we would struggle. Consistency is key though, and it gets easier and easier. Really.
I have to agree with Heather in that I would monitor her the next few days and see what pattern emerges and what works for her. At this age Henry had 2 x 2 hour naps and a catnap of 45 minutes. Then he would sleep 12 hours at night. So your day sleep seems similar in time as Henry's although in different stretches. As your LO settles into her routine and learns to always fall asleep independently - and she will, and then the amount of time it takes to fall asleep will decrease too!! - and her A time gets to be right, her naps will fall into place. She might stretch her am and pm naps, thus ensuring her catnap is only 45 minutes. Henry many times had a long catnap, 1.5 hours if his other day time naps were a bit wonky. But as he got used to a bedtime of 7pm, even if he woke up from his catnap at 545/6pm he still went down easily at 7pm. It is all about setting the clock as it were -IMHO. Hope my rambling makes sense.
Might be that she is still overtired and an earlier bedtime would not be a bad idea for a few nights.
Good luck, you are doing a great job. You will see and reap the benefit from your perseverance!! Sometimes difficult to believe in it when you are feeling overwhelmed in the thick of things.