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Offline 1sttimemamma

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So surprised that he has milk allergy
« on: March 31, 2009, 18:00:05 pm »
I just got off the phone after getting results that DS (19 months) is "highly reactive" to cows milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, whey and mozzerlla cheese. He's somewhat reactive to cheddar cheese, casein.

Honestly I thought the tests would be fine and I would just go on like normal. Now I really don't know where to start. Doc says to stop with cows milk and try rice or almond milk??

So if I take away dairy - doesn't he need calcium still? His main source of fat and protein is cows milk (he's very picky eater). I'm just feeling so shocked...

Offline Mashi

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 19:06:47 pm »
Hugs to you and your DS.  There is lots of info and support here on NW on dealing with milk allergy.

My LO is still on hypoallergenic formula so we have the calcium and protein licked well enough for now, but my paed did say that he could stay on the formula as long as he needed to, didn't matter how old he was.  Mind you, we get it free in the UK so if you have to pay for it, it's quite expensive.

He does still need calcium, there is a link here on how to boost calcium in a LOs diet.  Can you see a paediatric dietician to advise on a diet plan? Fat can be added with coconut milk, mixing it into rice milk.  Proteins can be made up from meats, rice+lentils (eaten together makes a complete protein), eggs.

Others on here have more experience with boosting the calcium than I do, they will be around soon to advise, I am sure!

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 19:08:35 pm »
It is a shock, how did you find out??  Was he having symptoms??   Our ds has just grown out of a dairy allergy that he's had since birth.  We went down the soya route... soya milk, butter, cheese, yogurts etc.  Did he say anything about that??  Always buy the products that are fortified with calcium.

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 23:39:37 pm »
We did the test because DS is very slow to gain weight and is around the 19% for weight.

Doc said he liked rice milk and almost milk better than soy - he said some can have reaction to soy - but it's still ok.

Do I stop dairy cold turkey - or do half milk half rice until DS is used to the taste?

Offline Katet

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2009, 00:10:16 am »
It is believed that more than 50% of the population actually have a milk allergy of some sort just most people don't realise they have & the symptoms are such it never needs to be investigated. I know I do, but still have milk, just have to limit it, I'm pretty sure DS1 does too as he (at 5.5yo) has done a lot of self limiting on milk & milk products.

Milk & Soy allergies often go hand in hand, why other options are recommended. I'd be speaking to the Dr about whether you need to go cold turky or wean it slowly... you may well find behaviour & sleep & other things improve with the change too.

dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2009, 00:15:20 am »
He kind of made it seem like I need to stop right away - but maybe I should clarify. Our little test of rice milk was ok - he drank some, but not like he drinks his cows milk.

Once I eliminate dairy - how long until things (symptoms) change. Is it pretty quick, or does it take awhile.

My child eats so little and I'm becoming worried that without cows milk - he's going to lose weight.

Can you explain more about behaviour changes that might happen?

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2009, 03:03:37 am »
I'm frustrated and I had to vent. I told my pediatrician that Connor tested posted for milk allergy. Pediatrician said it might be worth a try to elimiate dairy for a "short while" and see if his appetite improves. I had asked the pediatrician for suggestions on how to make sure DS gets enough nutrients and ped told me to ask the naturopath because he's the one that suggested the dairy free diet. It's like the pediatrician is mad or something... My point is the naturopath is not paid for by insurance and i was hoping paying out of pocket anymore...
It also seems like the pediatrican seems this is just theory and that DS couldn't really have a true milk allergy.

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2009, 03:54:30 am »
Often children who have Dairy allergy do improve eating as eating becomes more enjoyable & they also become calmer as they feel better... I know when I eliminate dairy, yeast & cirtus from my diet I do feel better, but not so much that it is worth the extra $$ & effort to vary my diet KWIM.
Nauropaths & many Drs don't really see eye to eye, so I imagine that is why your Paed is seeming angry, he feels his professional opinion (& years of study) is being undermined by a "quack"... not to say that naturopaths are quacks, just many Drs see them as that & it is a competitive situation KWIM.
I come from a immunology background, so I'd only base any allergy testing on tests done by a speciaist allergist, but that isn't to say naturopaths aren't right, just an allergy will show up with IgE testing & I don't think naturopaths can test that... but I know very little about them (had too much free access to immunologists to need any other help)
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2009, 05:16:49 am »
We did the test because DS is very slow to gain weight and is around the 19% for weight.

Doc said he liked rice milk and almost milk better than soy - he said some can have reaction to soy - but it's still ok.

Do I stop dairy cold turkey - or do half milk half rice until DS is used to the taste?

About half have a reaction to soy, that's why it's not recommended. I'd go with the rice milk (there are brands with added fat and calcium). Hugs, what a shock.

Offline Mashi

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2009, 07:14:44 am »
I would personally try the soy.  When my own paed suggested this, I was a bit peed off, because I know that lots of milk allergic children are soy allergic also. But, his theory was that we need to know if he is allergic to soy, because otherwise when he's on a varied diet that includes soy in its zillion forms and additives (ie/ there is soy in cereals, sauces, etc) then we might find it harder to figure out what the problem is if he is still unwell.  I thought it was a strange way to approach it, but we went onto soy formula for a while, and sure enough DS reacted, and so now we know. And, I'm glad we know, because as I am introducing solids, I am amazed at how many places soy is found.

So, it's an alternative thought, but one perhaps worth looking at.

Offline hemz80

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2009, 12:07:15 pm »
It's worth trying to determine of he's allergic to soy because if he's not it will make your life so much easier wrt cooking, eating and him getting all the nutrients he needs.  Soy is actually quite low in fat and very healthy for you... not great when you're trying to get your lo to bulk up a bit!  There's also flaxseed oil that can help.  Soya yogurts are awesome, our ds loved them and are good calcium boosters too.  I think you should stop the dairy straight away.

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Re: So surprised that he has milk allergy
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2009, 12:34:46 pm »
Doctors will believe in an allergy, but most do not believe in Intolerances, though I'm not sure why.  An allergy is easy to test for, while Intolerances are different, they don't affect the immune system.  My family doctor and my ped, and even my allergist, tried to convince me that milk/soy wasn't a problem, until I proved them otherwise.  Is there any way you can ask for a different Ped?

I would be tempted too to try the soy, as there are so many options with soy milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.  For rice milk there are also many options, rice milk does contain the same amount of calcium and Vit D as cow milk, I do believe, but it lacks in fat in protein.  There is a sticky thread on ways to increase fat and protein into the milk.  Here is the link: For myself I added 1-2 oz of coconut milk, found in the Asian section of the grocery store, for fat and had to buy powder protein to mix into the milk.  You can find rice milk that contains more fat, same with Almond milk I believe.  They are all found in the organic section of the grocery store, some are on shelves and some are in the cooler.  There is also rice cheese, and baked goods, as some regular ones contain cow's milk.

Here is another link for foods that contain a lot of calcium:

For us the symptoms started to dissipate in one week, they were completely gone by the fourth week.  Their behaviour should increase, like others mentioned, my son was so miserable before, and now he's so happy and eats like a pig, seriously!  Hope things get better for you.

Here is another link to our sticky thread with a list of names that soy and dairy go by, so you know what to avoid, as many have hidden names.
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