Hi, just wanted to update you as you've been so helpful.
Well, DD did have tongue tie and LC suspected silent reflux too. On ranitidine, which I think is helping to make her more comfortable during feeds, we don't get the same mid feed crying that we used to. Had the tie snipped, which certainly allowed her to move her tongue better initially, although I've found it hard to tell if it's really improved her feeding. The after care is a bit of a shock, feeding every 2-3 h around the clock again (having stretched them out nicely at night before!) for a week, plus twice daily wound massage for a month to try and prevent recurrence. So of course the former made her less hungry for each feed, whilst the latter (still going) results in two worse feeds each day, since of course she doesn't like the massage, although it would no longer be painful. And I think it might be recurring now anyway
I've also been doing two consecutive feeds from each breast, and had no more bright green poos since both these things. Weight now creeping along 25th percentile rather than dropping down the chart as before, so that's progress
stools still greenish, awaiting results for intolerance tests...
So, not yet the improvement I'd hoped for, but I've learnt some interesting things about tongue tie (e.g. A high proportion of mums with tongue tied babies don't experience any discomfort; a high proportion of babies presenting with reflux have reduced symptoms on sorting their tongue tie; for some babies, perhaps not ours, sorting the tongue tie can eliminate green stools), so I'll be recommending that other mums get their LOs checked for tongue tie early on and not just take the first opinion, as even many LCs can miss them.
But otherwise DD is very happy and developing nicely, certainly not presenting as a sickly baby
thanks again for your help!