Author Topic: In a pickle or par for the course?  (Read 2728 times)

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Offline Emami

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Re: In a pickle or par for the course?
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2014, 09:07:31 am »
Hi hun, I've been following but not posted because although nap dropping was a long process for us (almost a year), it was fairly straightforward and by the time DD was really done with the nap she coped well.  But the closest I've been to your situation where there's extreme OT and bad nights has been jet lag.  We've done a lot of travel between the US and UK with long days flying and a 5hr time difference.  DD had a couple of short nights and 4:30 WUs, and tbh to me that's not an acceptable WU time so I didn't try to treat it like a normal day and stick to a normal routine.  I put her down for a nap around 11 (wasn't sure she'd go for it since she hasn't slept during the day for a while now), but she went down easily and I just let her sleep.  She did about 3hrs and was ok for a 7:30 BT, and I think it kind of reset her. We had a couple of 4:30 mornings, then 5:30 and then she went back to her normal 7/7:30 after three days of naps, and then we stopped them again.  I know it's not the same situation as you but just thought it was worth throwing out there.  Like Katherine said, I think some OT is unavoidable, but when its really bad I would just catch her up before trying to get back to get back to no naps.

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Re: In a pickle or par for the course?
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2014, 05:34:46 am »
Thanks ladies for your replies and very sound observations . It always amuses me (after the fact of course!) how you can loose complete perspective when you're in the middle of it and shattered.

What did we do?

I called pre-school yesterday and they said they would nap her if necessary - she wasn't having bit. Tbh I didn't think they had a car in helps chance.

DH put her to bed at 2pm (after she got home and had 20mins or so wind -down). She fell asleep about 2.20pm and was woken at 45mins

She was a bear, but hey we can't have it every which way and bt@6.30pm on account of the silly o'clock WU. She SSTN and woke I reckon about 5.30 (called me in at 6am) so hopefully will be better today.

The other thing I noticed that may be playing it's part is teeth - all of her teeth have cut but she has a snotty nose, skins gone dry and bumpy and she more tired that usual - all teething signs or R. Just wondering if her teeth are growing/moving and contributing to the madness.

The plan today DH tells me is to nap her gain for 45mins (not convinced myself but I'm not here today so hey) but I think the counter will have to be a later BT given she's now at least had a decent nights sleep.

I agree, I can handle a melt down at BT and OT is Definately to be expected and has to be par for the course, but I felt for R, it was getting really out if hand badly affecting everything. So let see how we go hey as hope we are not too far wrong!!!

H xx

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Re: In a pickle or par for the course?
« Reply #32 on: October 14, 2014, 12:03:58 pm »
good luck!
We seem to be in BT shenanigans mode atm so that's adding to the fun of it all!

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Offline HenaV

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Re: In a pickle or par for the course?
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2014, 13:43:38 pm »
Thanks, I feel like we need it with this one.

I am noting a real defiance with R at the moment - refusing to say please Or sorry for example and having a melt down. I had thought she was just shattered but am beginning to wonder if there is something going on developmentally. That's probably a whole separate post elsewhere but wonder if that's affecting the sleep of LOs at this age? X