Author Topic: night wakings again  (Read 3795 times)

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Offline lily_layne

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2016, 02:12:55 am »
it took 50 mins of hard crying and eventually I fed her again and she settled.
Did you try patting or rocking while she was crying? I find sometimes a quick rock or walk and then putting DS down will calm him enough to settle him to sleep.

When she woke every hour was she in with you? If she was, I think it could be a habit forming or it could also just be that you are nearer to her so you react to every sound. If you want to have her sleeping on her own, I would tackle it now before you go back to work.

Sorry, I'm really tired tonight and my brain is sluggish so I have no advice for your routine but I will put the call out for other LSN mamas to take a look.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2016, 03:28:30 am »
Hi there! My DD3 is LSN too (and I am totally the queen of doing things cold turkey lol!).

A couple of things that jump out at me is that you are waking her in the morning and after both naps so she never has a chance to tack on (I do wonder on a crappy night if you let her sleep in, did one nap only and ebt would you get a better night??). Also the fact that she is in bed with you some of the time makes me think some of it is just habit combined with perhaps a need for less or differently organized daytime sleep. Do you plan to keep her in the room with you (or perhaps that is the only option I suppose!).

I can say that with all 3 of my kids I jumped to one nap.cold turkey and it worked great (they are all similarly spirited kids who cope well with OT). DD3 though took the cake and went to one nap before 8 months old, and DD1 & 2 who were average sleepers made the jump at 11/12 months or so, so to me your lo could be ready for that jump. 4.5 hrs A time was about the range when I decided to go for it. DD3 never did do the long one nap (2 hr max with 11 hr nights) but it helped keep her nights from getting too short.

Offline zissi

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2016, 10:24:09 am »
thanks girls for taking the time to respond.
I haven't been waking her the last few nights since she woke up early by herself. but I do wake her from naps because when I don't we get the long NW's. it seems that she wants to compensate for the short nights by napping long but thats not what I want. I don't think we can get rid of the NW's that go on for hours if I allow her to have uncapped naps for as long as she wants. if I let her she would nap one nap at least of 1.5/2hrs and the other one longish too. but in my experience this makes the nights worse. on the other hand if she has capped naps and becomes OT she has many short NW's which are equally difficult to handle. last night however was good. when she eventually settled at 7.40pm I gave her a DF around 9.30 and she slept then till 1.40, quick feed and slept till 6.10. yes, of course I am responding to every sound, just out of fear that a waking would result in a long NW. we are planning to move her out very shortly but we don't ave her room ready yet. plus I read somewhere that the night feed should happen in her room, that won't be possible, so I would need toffee her in gybed (she only feeds lieing down) and then go into her bedroom with her. our A time ranges from 3.45 in the morning to 4.5hr in the afternoon. so I guess she is very soon ready for 1 nap. I might try in a week or so, by then she is 10 months and it could work. the thing is I have many friends who know nothing about BW and good sleep habits and then move their babies to 1 nap or their babies automatically get into that routine in daycare and they do all fine. so maybe Im overthinking this whole thing.
@MasynSpencerElliotte, your DD3 still got 13 hrs in a day. we are currently getting between 12 and 13 hrs. more often than not only 12. maybe she is super LSN or she is just not getting the sleep because of me capping naps and her waking at night etc. LOL I must add she is very happy during the day, gives me no tired signs most of the time...

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2016, 15:29:44 pm »
The 13 hours was very short the time she was 10 months I was capping her only nap and we ditched the nap entirely by 22 months. Now at 31 months we finally get 11.5 hour nights! When I say to let her have a chance to tack on I mean either morning wake up or one of the naps uncapped (easier of course on one nap only to allow a longer nap!).

Hmm the feeding lying down is a tough one - do you think you could try the df sitting in a chair in her room? Is she close to dropping her night feeds?

Offline zissi

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2016, 20:19:35 pm »
mhm from a very young age she got into that habit of only feeding lying down and now she doesn't feed in any other way, bites instead etc. but I haven't tried for a DF, so I could try that. Im just conscious that if I let her have 1 nap of lets say 2 hrs (uncapped) and the other one was also 45 mins that this would rob from night sleep, hence only a 9 hr night or something which could mean NW's or very early wake up. how can she need so little sleep??

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2016, 20:59:51 pm »
Some kids are just built that way I guess!  My older kids (7.5 and 9.5) sleep almost as much as my toddler! If you think an uncapped nap would a long one I would keep the catnap much shorter if possible. We did a long am and short pm nap before jumping to one nap though as the first nap was always our best nap.

Offline zissi

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2016, 21:16:08 pm »
we did the long am nap too and then a shorter pm nap but lately she has been refusing to go down for the second nap. thats why I switched it around. both naps would be good and long if I let her. she just needs a lot of A time to go down well for the nap. also, if she has a very short CN in the pm she gets easily overtired.

Offline zissi

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2016, 12:28:50 pm »
ok after another bad night we decided to sleep train again this weekend as DD ends up in my bed after the night feed. she is 10 months now and still gets a DF too. so I wonder should we eliminate the night feed that usually happens between 1am and 3am or keep it but make sure that there is no APOP going on, such as rocking back to sleep or co-sleeping? she has slept through around 5 nights when she was 8 months which would indicate to me that she is capable of doing so. I am thinking of there is no routine NF there is no reason for her to wake up (of course I know that they wake up regardless anyway) but maybe after a few nights she would get used to not getting fed and wakes less often as a result. she is breastfed and eats solids, notch though as we do BLW. any ideas? cold turkey with the NF or feed and back to sleep on her own in cot? TIA

Offline lily_layne

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2016, 01:52:16 am »
If you want to drop the NF, I would go cold turkey. I did that with my DD around 9 months. I just patted her on the back and let her know I was there. She did cry quite a bit but I just stayed with her. It only took a few nights and then she was done feeding at night.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

Offline zissi

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2016, 10:10:59 am »
for how long did your DD cry? I read somewhere here that if there is still no sleep after 45 mins of crying to go ahead and feed as they will be hungry by then (or thirsty from the crying) but surely that defeats the purpose? my DD is quite capable of crying for that long and longer... soIm a bit worried. but at the same time I don't think she needs the feed...

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2016, 21:46:08 pm »
You could do water in a sippy if you think she is thirsty...we started putting a spill proof sippy in DD1's bed around this age.

Offline lily_layne

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2016, 01:48:56 am »
Water in a sippy is a good idea. If memory serves, DD cried 10-15 minutes the first night and then less than that each night after.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

Offline zissi

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2016, 12:44:39 pm »
I will try water in a sippy cup. we haven't sleep trained yet because on saturday I started a new routine, DD is now on 1 nap only and sleeps 2.5 hrs which is great. she handles the A time of 5 hrs really well, would go for much longer if I let her. she never shows tired signs. however, our long NW's continue despite the new routine. Im at loss and totally shattered.
last day was like that:
WU 6.30
nap 11.40-2.05
BT 7.30, fell asleep straight away.
no OT wakings after BT. woke the first time around 9.30 but DH settled easily. gave her a DF at 10.30. woke again at 12, couldn't settle and I was so tired that I fed her. then she woke at 2, settled herself. then at 4.30 at which I fed. she was awake then till 6am and eventually fell asleep and slept till 7am when she woke up because of the alarm clock. are these NW's still developmental (she mastered crawling now) or prop related,since I feed her back to sleep or attempt at least. It can't be routine related I don't think because I try all different routines and it didn't make a difference. the only time she didn't have it was with very little day time sleep. should I cap the nap? please help. I really need some sleep!!!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: night wakings again
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2016, 21:03:13 pm »
10 months old is a tad early for one nap but I would give a routine more time to see what shakes out. How long have you stuck with any of the previous routines? I think the feeding prop could be a big part of the nw's, that perhaps they are happening due to other factors but she just isn't always able to get back to sleep herself.