Hello all,
I am having trouble getting my almost 15 month old to fall asleep on her own. There was a time, prior to 12 months old, that I could put her in her crib, walk out, and she would fall asleep by herself. Since that time she had a lot of teeth come in and some colds so it has been hard to get her to fall asleep and to stay asleep.
We also just travelled across the country and had to deal with time changes and vacation schedules, etc. We are now back home and have been a few weeks. Her sleep schedule is back on track but we are either dealing with some accidental parenting and/or separation anxiety. Her routine is bath, goodnight to dad, nurse (weaning off), brush teeth, story, light out, and bed. Once in the bed she gets pats/ back rubs and songs... and then more back rubs and songs... and then more. As soon as I stop she will start crying. Or if she is barrel rolling in the bed and I don't touch her she gets upset. Last night I gave up and left and she screamed and cried. I kept going back in and comforting her but I'd just had enough.
If I stay in patting her until I think she is asleep, she knows the instant that I am standing up or walking out the door and will start crying. I had been trying to do the shush/pat but I think I created a monster by staying in there too long doing it.
Her routine looks roughly like this:
WU: 7
Breakfast: 7:30
Daycare: 8
Snack: 9
Lunch: 11
Nap: 1130ish (she isn't a good napper and never has been. An hour to 1.5 is standard)
Snack: 3
Pick up from Daycare: between 3-4:30
Small snack: 5
Dinner: Between 6-7 depending on our schedules
Sleep and final nurse: I aim for 7 but it is normally more like 7:30
I know she gets overtired sometimes with only one nap but I can't control the daycare nap. She catnaps in the car on the ride home sometimes. We both work fulltime jobs so getting her to bed at 7 is ideal but doesn't always happen.
Any suggestions on whether I should do the gradual plan or try walk in/ walk out? We finally have her sleeping all night (until the canines come in!) and she will settle herself at night unless something is wrong.