Author Topic: Need Help with NW  (Read 12913 times)

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Offline katie80

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Re: Need Help with NW
« Reply #120 on: July 12, 2012, 18:56:53 pm »
I am also kind of wondering if the morning CNs are creating a bit of a cycle. (Lets see if I can write this so it makes sense the same way it does in my head...) When we do the morning CN it pushed her nap time back, which is good on mornings that she has an EW. However, like I said above, the nap time is getting pushed back, so the wake time is later, so the BT is later. That leaves us with a long day which may be behind the NWs. Then, when we have an EW the next day, the cycle kind of starts all over again bc she hasn't slept in long enough to stretch to one nap and she is tired earlier on bc she had the NW and EW.
Does this make any sense at all?
Yes, it makes a lot of sense and it does sound like a cycle that's not necessarily helping.  The day does get too long on CN days and then perpetuates the cycle. I still think BT needs to be earlier on those days, but it just doesn't seem to work for her. :-\ So, it might be time to just push to the one nap as much as possible starting from the next decent wake-up you get. I think you'll have to accept that it could be a bit rocky and EBTs will be a must, but it's worth a try.  If she ends up slipping into OT, you always have the CN to fall back on.  If you can hold her to the one nap for a good two weeks, she should start evening out, but the tricky and sometimes scary thing is if she has a bad day in there. But, it's not the end of the world, I can tell you that, because I'm still here, living and breathing, LOL. ;)

Are you on a 2-1 support thread at all (the toddler on would be most appropriate for you)? They're often helpful to see what's working for other LOs (not to say all of them are the same, but it just helps to get a little more perspective sometimes from moms going through the same thing :)).
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 19:01:58 pm by katie80 »

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Re: Need Help with NW
« Reply #121 on: July 12, 2012, 20:12:45 pm »
I think I was editing my post when you were replying. Here's what I added...

*Honestly, the CN days are a little more manageable for us. It is nice to have some wiggle room around lunch time and dinner time and not have to put her down too early. I just don't want them to be keeping us from STTN. Also, I think I remember you saying in a previous post that when I move to 1 nap days that they might start out with some really early BTs but eventually the timing will work out and become more reasonable. Is that how it should/will work?

I guess I am just feeling really torn right now.  :-\

On one hand - I feel like we have kind of a good thing going with the CNs. She is taking pretty decent naps and we have had some pretty long uninterrupted stretches of sleep. Of course we have had NWs some nights too and the EWs have been pretty consistent.

On the other hand - I don't want the CNs to be what is keeping us from STTN.

I feel so anxious! I know there is going to be some stepping out of the comfort zone, and I think you guys can tell I am willing to do whatever I need to do.  I just don't want to move away from all of the progress we have made. I am nervous I will make the wrong choice and we will fall backwards again.  :(

What would you do?

Oh yeah...I forgot to mention that when we were at the dr the other day for our little incident  :-X I had them take a peek at her teeth. She said it looks like the top 4 teeth are all getting ready to come through as well and will prob all come through at the same time. The bottom ones that we have been dealing with for what, 3 weeks now, STILL haven't broken through the gums. So I see teething being an issue for us for a while in the future  ::)

Offline katie80

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Re: Need Help with NW
« Reply #122 on: July 13, 2012, 14:08:13 pm »
I don't think either option is bad, really.  I understand enjoying the more flexibility the CN gives you, that's the place we're at with my DD who's dropping the last nap.  It makes dinner/bath/bedtime much easier in the summer, but overall she is more rested and better behaved without the nap and more night sleep.  We're going with it for now, because it works best for all of us, but when she starts preschool in the fall, we'll need to do what's best for her specifically, because she'll have more to cope with. So, you can keep on with the CN if it suits you best for now, but if she continues not going down as easily and the nights are less than 10.5hr, I'd start pushing toward one nap, because overall her night sleep will be better and that's ultimately what keeps kids well-rested and thriving.

As for the teeth, I'm sure they'll be an issue at some point because they always are throughout these first couple years.  However, our ped told me the exact same thing at DD's 12 mo appt.  She only had the bottom two at the time and the ped said she could see the top two and they'd likely be coming through anytime.  They didn't actually show up til 3 mo later, right before her 15 mo appt. :-\ Not to say that'll be the same for you, but I think they're just not easy to predict, so I wouldn't base any major decisions on that fact.