Arghhhhh just checking in for a moan
it's like one step forwards and ten back again
stupid illness, canines, general me being incompetent
I hate 5.30am!!!!!!
Ahem....I mean, I have a question
Those for whom EBT didn't work all that well, how did you find it best to catch up on OT? Very grumpy boy right now, sure teeth are a factor but not the whole story. Is it worth me trying an early nap do you think? (Bit scared of a looooong afternoon if he doesn't do a great nap) Or a two nap day? He's had a few of those in the last week or so as he will doze off in the car very easily around 9.30am, we wake him after 15 mins and go for normal nap time/15 mins later. But not sure he's much more rested those days though his nap seems more settled.
Or do I need to wait it out until this last canine has cut and re-evaluate???