Just wanted to offer some hugs and experience hun.
My DS was a chronic EWer...5:30am pretty well every single day pretty much from birth until he was 2. No amount of tweaking/routine changes/capping naps/EBTs or anything of the sort helped so eventually I just stopped even attempting to solve it. EBTs never worked, in fact the made things 10 x worse so I just set BT to 7pm no matter what - wake up time, nap length...didn't matter, BT was 7pm. It was the only way I could keep sane was with a predictable BT.
Eventually, it worked itself out on its own. Around 2-2.5yrs his WU just started getting later and now he'll typically wake anytime between 6:30 - 7:30am, and the odd time he'll even sleep until 8am. I don't have any real advice unfortunately, just that sometimes trying to figure these things out is more stress than it's worth...at least it was for me. After 1.5 years of trying to figure it out I simply gave up and resigned myself to the fact that he was quite simply just an early riser. I know how hard it is, 5:30 (or earlier!) is an AWFUL time to get up every day. (((HUGS))) Hang in there!!