My LO is 10 weeks old now.
Until now, she has not really been only any schedule, instead preferring to sleep for long chunks of time during the day, marathon nurse until midnight, and then sleep until 8am.
Though I am not on the exact schedule as EAS would have a 10 week old be, I have managed to get her to feed every three hours during the day followed with some sort of awake time.
In the evenings too, I have worked to lower her bed time and I've gotten it to 8:30pm so far! Huge improvement from midnight.
Anyway, where I run into problems is the "S" in EASY.
How do I manage naps with an older sibling hovering around? My son is 20 months old, not really able to play by himself yet, and likes to be wherever I am. So, when its time to put baby to sleep, he marches right in to the room with me which of course, keeps her from actually going to sleep. I don't want to have him watch a show every time Baby goes down for a nap either so I end up carrying her around with me until she finally sleeps.
I have not been able to teach her any sort of independent sleep techniques because of it. She sleeps either on me or when in a little cot in the middle of the living room. At night, its boob or rocking her... all the props you aren't suppose to use.
I would really like to get her on good EAS routine. I think she would benefit greatly from more regular sleep. Right now she can easily do a 3 hr awake time, wait for the a feeding because its that time again and then crash afterwards for a nap.