Thank you, we have always struggled with short naps (30 mins with him), around 8 months he would do a morn nap of 1-1hr 30 and an afternoon nap of 30-45mins unless had a short morn nap then would have around an hour in the aft. He has never been a great napper. He settles to sleep on his own in his cot in a very dark room with white noise so doesn't hear 3.5yr old so much. I have tried extendeding nap with dummy but just lies there quietly sucking but doesn't go back to sleep!
Would try an earlier nap but struggle with what to do about dinner and its nice to get out and go somewhere in the morn, come back and put him down after dinner. Worry if put him down earlier he is awake even longer in the afternoon, he will go to bed earlier sometimes (usually takes 30mins of mooching round cot, playing with comforter befero sleep), however, gets up a bit earlier the next day. I wanted to stop two naps as was refusing the aft one so was awake for a really long time before bed, he has started slipping in a bit since dropped to one nap and now usually does 11 to sometimes 11.5 hours.