I think I know what you're all going to say, but advice needed please!
Last night at bedtime and today at naptime, Sophie has cried and cried for "mummeeee" every time I put her down. Her mantra cry is "mummy" anyway, but she sort of moans it over and over (that's really hard to ignore, btw). But this is different, she is getting herself really upset.
Last night she had an early night due to a crap nap at lunchtime (we were travelling in the car) but because she refused to settle she got o/t and cried really hard everytime I tried to put her down. After 45 mins I caved and sent dh in and she was asleep within 5 mins.
Today at naptime all was fine and normal until I put her in the cot and then she went nuts again. I spent another 45 mins trying to settle her, she was fine everytime I picked her up (at one point she fell asleep on me- my first ever bit of AP!) but cried when I put her down. Eventually I think she was so knackered she just conked out (I was with her the whole time).
Some history- she has always been a fantastic sleeper, falling asleep independently from birth, sleeping 12hours through the night (don't hate me here) from 9 weeks and I can practically count her NW in the last 6 months on my fingers. She loves her sleep and loves her bed (just like mummy
She has only recently started getting really mobile- she walked independently about 2 months ago, she has learnt to sit herself up from laying about 4 weeks ago, has started to roll over about a month ago, is trying desperately to pull herself up to standing, and is trying to crawl but keeps belly flopping. Every time I lay her down she rolls over and sits herself up and I think it's this new found mobility that's doing it. Also she is working on bottom eye teeth and that might be the reason for the clinginess. But she's her normal happy self in the day which is why I am puzzled.
any words of wisdom? Is this just a phase I need to ride out? aaaargh