Hi Meg--
My thoughts about your routine are really similar to Michelle's--your LO is napping longer during the day, but sleeping less at night than an average 12 month old. I'm thinking maybe shorten up your first nap, which will mean you also need to reduce the A time between naps--she won't last quite as long on a shorter nap, then do an earlier bed time.
So something very roughly like this . . .
5:30 wake
9:30-10:15/10:30 nap
1:30-3:00 nap
6:30 or 7:00 bed time
Here's a link to an FAQ that does a great job of explaining this:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=95670.0As Michelle mentioned, this is sort of stuff is often precursor to switching to just one nap. Your LO doesn't sound like she's ready yet, but may be getting there. There's a great support thread to chat about how to get from one nap to two:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=98011.390Finally, until things get sorted out, how to handle the night wakings . . . hmmmmmm. Well, since your LO is now a year old, you have a few more options, my favorite being wi/wo. Here's a link to that (sorry about all the links, LOL)
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=80750.0. Basically, rather than doing any pu/pd, which can rile up a LO at this age, you walk in and comfort briefly, then walk out, returning for a genuine cry. It gives LO a bit more space to settle on his own.
Hope that helps a bit. Please let me know if anything didn't make sense.

Oh, also, since your LO is 12 months now, I'm going to pop this over to sleeping for toddlers.