Melissa and Sara... Thank you so much for all the support! I really feel like I'm losing it... Ethan is finally down... although as I type this I hear him stirring, which makes my heart beat harder in my chest. I am desperate. I tend to have very fragile patience on no sleep, which make me feel like the worst mommy out there.
So this is what I did, after our bath, we took him to his room, put a nice clean dry huggie on, got in our chair, read "I'll Teach My Pup 100 Words", which we have read to him at every nap time and bedtime since he was 4 months old, he drank his bottle, and kept saying "bed, bed", however I'd put him down with his blanky, told him I loved him, it was night-night time and I'd see him in the morning. As soon as got to the door, he was up and out of the bed. I'd pick him up, place him in the bed, say the same thing, and get to the door, and boom he'd fly up, at other times, he wouldn't even lay down. But I'd still say the same thing, and still leave. Once I saw how upset he was getting, I promised him that IF he stayed in his bed, I'd sit next to his bed, BUT IF he got up, I'd leave, this went on for about 30-40 minutes, then all of a sudden, he didn't get up. So, I did rest my hand on his back... is that ok? And IF he wakes up in the middle of the night, I have to do the same thing???
His Dr. hasn't seen him , but I did call, b/c it did seem a little out of the blue, I did go away for the first time 3 weekends ago, and once I got back, all this started. I can't help but feel like it's separation anxiety. That my going away was a little shock to his system...
Could that have led up to this???
Thank you all for your words of encouragement, I can not begin to tell you how happy I am to have found this website!!!! Say a little prayer for us!!!
With love,