OK so mostly I'm jsut venting.
DD and I have both been sick for about a week now

Bad caugh and congestion issues.
She's been waking up every night between 3-5am and crying untill she's sick

she wants to go to Mommy and Daddy's bed. I don't have an issue with that, we let her if she is sick. The problem is she'll then cry for an hour before going back to her bed, because Daddy isn't there. My DH is working 12am-8am this week untill Wed. So he isn't home at night. DD is by far a daddy's girl, she sometimes just doesn't want me at all, just daddy. Normally this isn;t an issue, but its been 4 days of this and I am sooooo tired.
Now she wont nap either

go figure. She's been in her room for 2 hours, she is tired, she's got the red eyes and she's yawning and whiny and I wont take her out cause all she does is cry, but she wont sleep

I don't know at this point if she is ever going to nap, now DH sleeps all days cause of the midnight shift, but I am exhosted, the house is falling apart and I feel like I am failing at all angles here. I can't seem to get things under control

I know things will settle again, especially when she is no longer sick, but it feels like its taking so long.
Thank you for "listening" to me whine
I want a nap.....