Hey - how are you doing ?
Sorry I can't offer any advice - but just wanted to say that I'm starting EASY aswell with my 3 week old (I've got a post going just now) and I know how you're feeling. Lol, my EASY routine that I was trying ended up looking more like a pigs ear than a routine....
What I found though (and this only what worked for us and I'd had experience from my daughter) was that what I thought was wind - was a bit of reflux....we've got our 3 week old on Carobel - I dunno if you've come across it before it's a feed thickener - and I just use a little amount in his bottle and it stops my lo from taking in as much air when he's having his feed, it definately helps him....I dunno which bottles you're using - but after us trying about 20 different makes
- we use Tommee Tippee Health Check (supposed to reduce wind / colic etc, very similar I think to Dr Browns....Infacol and Detinox didn't work for us).
I know what you mean aswell - about when your lo is screaming, you don't know what else to do apart from give him more of his bottle.....what I found (again, this is just what worked for us), was that our lo, wasn't actually windy or hungry, he was just over-tired (despite sleeping most of time - he was still over-tired)....and I found that dimming the lights and putting on some soft back ground music (tv off etc...and put on some soft lullaby music - lol, my daughter used to fall asleep to Michael Jacksons Man In The Mirror - lol) and doing some pat/sushing (could sometimes take about 20 mins to get his settled) - while walking around really helped calm him down and then he'd nod off to sleep - I'd put him in his moses basket just before he was fully asleep - and he'd maybe sleep for 45 mins or an hour (i've also got a dummy - and oh yes, they totally know the difference if there's no milk coming out....but I think sometimes, our lol was just using the bottle to self sooth himself back to sleep)...Anyway, when he woke, I'd start EASY again - it maybe wasn't the right time to feed him or whatever - but at least it gave me a starting point to work on...
Our midwife was the same - she would always say "feed on demand" and yeah, I agreed with her, but you need some kind of pattern to follow...and you need some kind of sleep aswell - I've found even getting a couple of hours in between feeds helps.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help - I'm only saying what I find is working for us for now ... but each baby is different at the of the day.
Hang in there though - you'll get some great advice and help from this site - the folks here are fantastic. You're not alone - I know the feeling of being stressed and down .. but it's like I've been told - alot of the time it can take lo's till there 6 or 8 weeks old before you can establish some kind of routine with them. Right now, they're just finding there feet and so are we. Don't be hard on yourself - it's hard work being a mum and bringing up a lo...and the 1st few weeks are tough....(lol, I'm acting like the voice of wisdom here - I've just had a glass of wine to help my stress).
Anyway - take care.
Big Hugs - I'll be thinking of you at 4am when I'm up with my lo.