We are in a big bed and day time toilet trained even for nap.
Our day generally looks like this
7:30 wake
12:30 nap asleep by 12:45pm. The length varies and he regulates himself. So if he has only a 10-10.5 hour night he will sleep 1.5-1.45. If he has an 11 hr 11.5 night his naps can be as short as 1 hr or 1 hr 10.
7:45 bed asleep by 8:30.
He has never missed a nap as he really likes his nap (so do I) he even tells me, nap time, but I know it is making his bedtime longer to fall asleep. This is a child who was in bed by 7pm and asleep in 10 min before he hit 2 yrs. It all started changing as he was able to start building up staying power to stay awake longer to bed. He now needs a good 6 hours to be ready for bed. So, I can't let him sleep past 2:30 and if he did due to the nap later etc...I know I am in for an even later bed bedtime. I'm not a fan of the later bedtime really. I persevere it at the moment as I know it will change again. I foresee him not needing the nap in a couple months or so some days and those days he can go to bed an hour earlier and hopefully fall asleep faster like he used to. It is a bit tough though now as sometimes it brings on those short 10-10.5 hour nights due to OT and he is grumpy and then needs a long nap etc...it is a funny cycle and I don't think I can solve it for us, as I mentioned earlier he looks forward to his nap at the moment, so I will follow his lead and put up with the bedtime sing-song and blabbing that goes on in there for 40 min every night.
A x