I understand about tiredness leading to being more emotional, but the crying at night (on going to bed) started about a week before we dropped to one nap. This is where I'm torn - I thought originally he wasn't settling due to not being tired enough for bed or too much day sleep, but he's still doing the same thing on one nap
Good news is he slept through again, waking at 7.15. So he slept from 6.45 - 7.15, which I'm ecstatic about. At least he caught up on a bit of the lost daytime sleep.
I am SOOOOO fearful of sleep debt!! He's been such a great sleeper in the past and I don't want to undo all of that!!
I didn't want to make too many changes for the little guy at the same time but my SIL is visiting atm and she minded him for me while I popped out to get my hair cut this morning. He wasn't looking for his morning bottle at all, so I thought I'd also bite the bullet and see if we could drop that. I gave him some cow's milk in a popper before I left but he wasn't really interested in that. Anyway, great news is that he ate heaps of morning tea and a large lunch and didn't even look for his bottle
I gave him his first bottle at about 11.40 and put him to bed at 12, and he was laughing at me when I left the room
I do know that could be a sign of tiredness, like a hyperactivity?? (I just don't understand why he doesn't do this for his night sleep!!) Anyway, he's gone down no fuss. Hopefully (crossing fingers and toes) he sleeps longer than 1.5 hrs today. I really don't want to get in the habit of having two sittings at dinner, an earlier one for him and later for us and DS1, and then an earlier night routine for him. As it is, I missed all of DS1's night routine last night
So again we'll see what the rest of the day and tonight brings.
Thanks for popping over I&J's mum. If you have any other advice I'd love to hear it!!