So Vaden is typically the best little sleeper on the block. She's been BWed since about 8 weeks, and was sleeping through (12hrs + DF) since 9wks with the exception of the short blips that happen - GS, illness, etc.
Other background- She doesn't use a pacifier - never has. Sleeps with a lovey (frog) and goes to sleep independently for all sleeps (well she used to
). For the last month or so she has started waking at night to drink loads of milk. She's off the bottle -uses a sippy exclusively, but has never been a big eater. Right at 12mo she switched to just one nap. I think this was a tad premature, but she is at a sitter's from 7:30- 3:30. So the sitter has moved her to one nap, but she tends to take at least a 2hr nap, sometimes 3. She is not walking, but doesn't seem to be close yet either, only has two bottom teeth, but doesn't seem to be teething either.
So her daytimes typically look like this:
7 A - gets a sippy of milk here just to tide her until she gets to the sitter and has breakfast
A 7-1pm Lunch in here with the sitter, usually another sippy of milk here (btwn 6-7oz)
S 1-3 or 3:30 - ideally this would be from noon to 2 or 2:30, which is what it is when we're at home on the weekends. The sitter is not organized, and rarely does what I ask -this has been a long standing issue, but I am really stuck with her until an opening comes up at a local daycare, and nap time will be from noon -2:30 at daycare.
E 3:30-usually a sippy of milk here on the way home from the sitters. Am considering doing away with this sippy, and just doing some water and then snack when we get home to help up the daytime calories
7 bedtime - usually a sippy of milk right before bed.
She *used* to sleep through, but now seems to be habitually waking at 10:15pm, and 1:30ish,. She'll EW right around 5:30am, cries for a while, but will put herself back to sleep. The first two wakings are another matter entirely. She will cry and cry and cry until she is fed. She's been doing this, looking back for probably close to a month, but had an ear infection in the middle of everything, and after getting antibiotics, was sleeping through. As soon as the antibiotics stopped, she started the waking again. Have taken her back to the doc who said her ears look fine, and gave us a clean bill of health.
Thursday night I tried to just give her water, and she wanted nothing to do with it. I did a bunch of different things, most of which were AP, but we were exhausted, and wanted sleep. I did some wi/wo she was just hysterical, and got to where once we picked her up, she would scream if we got near her crib (so not like her). So between 10:15pm and 3am (she was awake the whole time) we tried so many different things, until I got her in the high chair, fed her 4oz of yogurt and 4oz of applesauce. Went back into the nursery, laid her down, and she instantly went to sleep independently!!! Rotten thing! So she is definitely hungry, and I don't quite know how to handle this.
Here are my ideas so far, but want to get some feedback as well
wi/wo is going to drive me bonkers. DH is not one (nor am I for that matter) to listen to her cry. So I don't think stopping the night feedings cold turkey is going to be something we will stick with. So I am considering
1) w2s - I've never used it before, and not quite sure how it would be different, or would even be effective for a baby this age. Since the 10:15 waking is something I can practically set my watch to, I thought about doing it around 9:45ish, and poke her until she stirs and see what happens.
2) Gradually reduce the # of oz she's getting of milk, and bring the milk feed earlier by 30min or so every couple of nights. This is essentially how I weaned the DF.
So I would love any suggestions on other ways to maybe handle this and help get V eating during the day instead of the night!!!!