My DS has just turned 3 and hasn't had a nap for about 3 months now.
All week, he has been waking at 5am, but also 2 or 3 times in the night. He wanders in to our room wanting to start his day!!! He is also taking longer to settle at night. Nothing has changed in his routine. He did have a bad cold a couple of weeks ago which disrupted him, but he's well over that. He has been off play school for 2 weeks with it being Easter, but he's back now.
His rountine is a bit like this:
6.30 - 7.30 - wake, but this is now 5.00
9.25 - 12.15 - play school
afternoon - play/go out
5.30-6.00 dinner
7.30 - 8.00 bed - this is now taking longer for him to settle. (about 1/2 hour to 1 hour)
Like I said, he has had 2 weeks off from play school, but we have been active and doing lots.
Would it help if I bought a nightlight for his room? Perhaps he wakes up frightened. When he does wake up I take him back to his room, give him a cuddle and most of the time he wil go back to sleep. Sometimes, I'm back in there a few times settling him.
It feels like I've got a baby back......not a 3 year old!!!!
Please help!!!!!
Rachel x