Hello there!
I EBF my LO, and I am very proud of it..
It is just that it is not easy for me to BF in public, since my LO requires a very quiet place to nurse. If I would do it in public she would move so much trying to see everything and grab everything, that I would end up totally exposed... so I don't really do it, I am just too worried waiting for her to start moving all around.
I must say that at the times she has collapsed by hunger, I have feed her in the bathroom of restaurants, were I can uncover myself without worrying who may see me. It is not conformtable and I have to do it standing, since I really don't think it is a nice place to do it, but I do it long enough to stop her from crying, and then I go to my car to continue with it.
Before I had my LO, I must admit, I was not so sympathetic of woman BF in public.
Now I see it totally different...
What I'd like to add is that I really feel criticized around for BF. I totally don't see why. I feel that I am doing what is best, but the only things I listen around are: are you STILL BF? That is why she doesn't sleep through the night, your milk is not "heavy" enough? Why don't you start on formula at night? How long do you plan to BF, like forever? Aren't 7 months too much, your milk is useless for her now...you have become your baby's slave... that is why you can not separate yourself from your baby... and so on and so on...
Like you said... everyone is entitled to its own opinion, but why try to change mine?