Katt, I was out all day yesterday so sorry I've not been able to help.
Lois is the same that the more sleep she gets the better she sleeps and of course opposite. Gets OT and OS very easy. We were in the same place as you are now and Lois was severely OT and we had NW, EW and nap problems for what felt like aaages BUT now she sleeps great again, so remember this doesn't have to last forever and she is likely to be back to sleeping well as soon as this teething is over and she's recovered from the OT (which can take a while, but WILL happen)
What Nik said about the A times and them not being able to extend *by themselves* was so true for us. With Lois, it was only when I pushed her A time to set a nap time that she started to sleep better. By then I thought I was pushing way too late as she seemed tired earlier, but it worked although it took a week or so and then settled in over a few weeks time to a good nap. As I said early on in this thread it was my gut feeling that she needed longer A time, but I totally forgot about me having to push Lois' and that it didn't happen on its own. Yay for you Nik, and hope this will help Leorah too.
Hope tonight goes well! Remember that if she's teething really bad you can give both Ibuprofen AND paracetamol when one doesn't help enough for them to sleep well. It's not bad for them short term, and if it can help sleep then it helps overall as OT from lack of sleep isn't helpful at all.
Poor Leorah! It must be so painful getting molars. I'm still struggling with stubborn wisdom teeth that have taken years to come through and I can really sympathise with the LOs. I'm NOT looking forward to Lois getting her 2nd molars as the forst were so bad
I'll be crying out to all of you to keep me sane when the time comes LOL
One more thing I though about from RYSC is that spirited children can sometimes be more sensitive to things like teething, getting OT, OS etc and so making this whole process a lot harder for kids and parents.
Vibes for Leorah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{{{{{{{{hugs and strength}}}}}}}}} for you